Unfortunately everything you’ve been told about this virus & the vaccines is lies. Literally everything.
Why would they do that? To smash the economy & render you ill. The end game is mandatory digital ID. The end of democracy & human freedom. I believe that totalitarian tyranny will be used for mass depopulation.
You tried to warn us, Dr. Yeadon, and your pleas fell on so many deaf ears. It's tragic. Mass formation is real. But it's good that you tried, because every little bit counts, eventually people will have no choice but to look at the history books and see what really happened.
Those, who still consider Dr. Yeadon a shill, might want to go back in time as observe how his considerations evolved and now they are fully functional in the current "Medical" paradigm, while refuting the criminal narrative that has been taking advantage of it.
Most peculiarly, although I could engage in exchanging observations from the .pdf files that could fill volumes, my current conclusions are just about the same even when I disagree with some of the logistics in the paper.
Most importantly, it is the end result that matters.
I fully concur with the rest of the post to which I am responding.
If I was shilling (whatever that really means) I expect I’d be making an income from it.
The harsh reality is that I’ve made not a penny & have forgone a decent six figure income (being fired by consulting clients, which I knew would happen & wasn’t part of my decision making).
On top of that, I’ve had no private life for 2.5y.
Thank you for becoming one of the people. Being one doesn't necessarily mean good, as opposed to your case, because if there is one thing I agree with the eugenicists, it is that the majority is not exactly smart and, worse, many of them would sell out their own siblings, if only they had the chance.
A shill is indeed a paid advocate, but that's not what I meant. Many of them are intimidated (just look at the famous actors, who died under spurious circumstances, presumably because they did not submit after 2001), while others are stupid enough to accept the central bankers' fiat "money" that is not going to be worth a penny in a couple of years. Some of them are even stupid enough to believe they are "special" and will be spared.
You've made the smart decision that is even the moral one! :)
Sorry about your private life. Most of us haven't had any, either. It's either because we've lost our jobs or because, some of us, who fell for the scam for a second and got injected. At this point, the delivery system has been perfected to the point that the monsters are not even pushing for the injections anymore and, if they do, it's only for a show.
Have the ingredients been "perfected" as well?
It looks like the whole global scam is now being conducted and in a way, even controlled, by an "super AI" that even its operators do not know, because it is a self-improving algorithm. That is certainly spelling doom over mankind, because it can be prevented from taking over only by leaving the execution phase up to humans, and human failure is inevitable...
Hello, yes everything about the 'virus' and the new disease is a complete lie. Including the lie that they exist. The whole thing is a phantom to scare us (and bring in digital IDs), thankfully Scooby, Shaggy and Thelma, even without her glasses, have revealed that it's only a dodgy bloke in a white coat with some phosphorescence and a projector https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid
I prefer to keep it simple. The reason I don't want a shot is because there is no virus, illness is not infectious and injecting any substance (let alone nanoparticles and some genetic sequences that may or may not be translated by my cells) directly under my skin is extremely dangerous.
To allow such an injection would be complete madness.
Hi James. Really nice compilation. I guess if there were one thing to add, I would put in a blurb inre: the hundreds of athletes around the world who have suddenly dropped dead from heart attacks on the field or court. Tennis players who have dropped out of matches clutching their chests...that sort of thing. It just makes no sense for young, fit people to suddenly suffer cardiac arrest, unless something nefarious is going on.
#6 does not seem to take me to the information you describe. Not sure if moderna has changed the info. that was previously in the link(?) I live in Boston, MA (the State where Moderna is headquartered) and sent this to my Boston Mayor and City Council and Governor and my entire State Legislature (all Senators and Representatives) this a.m. Thank you. This is an excellent resource for those that truly need and want more information. God knows they won't get it from mainstream media and big tech.
Thanks, I clarified the language on #6: Moderna actually say "no serious adverse events" in their press release. But they admit to "grade 3 systemic events". Also added a link to an analysis by RFK Jr, who explains that this is actually a terrible outcome for phase I trials, despite the celebratory language of the press release.
Hi PJ: I live in Boston as well. Did you ever get any response from any of these representatives? I am wanting to do more to take action and have considered a more targeted effort with legislators. Or letters to the editor. I find Dr. Aseem Mulhaltra's presentations particularly persuasive and wonder now about using these to share with legislators.
I've had some good responses! I sent the recent video of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Mulhaltra's statements concerning vaccine injury in their video "Until Proven Otherwise." I try to focus on emailing not just my senator and representative, but all of the house and senate leadership, and all senators and representatives that represent Suffolk county. Then I add in others depending on what I know about them and how supportive they might be. I also always send my comments to the Joint Committee for Public Health, which have their own email, which gets forwarded to all members. And now I always copy the Boston Globe, WCVB TV (channel 5 ) and W CBS News local (channel 4) because they have emails for news tips. I want them all to see that I'm copying the news media too. Health Rights MA helped me do a meeting with 200 of our state legislators and constituents to support a bill for bodily autonomy. Representative Patrick O'Connor presented that bill. Representative Peter Durant presented a bill to ban covid-19 injection passports. All of our elected officials need encouragement to continue to work on these issues in the upcoming session which begins in January. I think it's important that constituents reach out to them and the media with educational materials from credentialed, MDs and scientists on a regular basis.
Thank you. An excellent summary. Would you consider doing the same analysis for the childhood vaccines?. The research I have done shows many of the same flaws in the "safe and effective" narrative that we blindly accept.
Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Mr. Roman Bystrianyk present evidence for every vaccine that none has ever been needed in their book "Dissolving Illusions"
There is no need for a polio or smallpox vaccine. I am not going to say more, as you need to do some homework. For a start read Humphries's and Bystrianyk's book, "Dissolving Illusions". Follow that with a modern immunology text, such as, Lauren Sompayrac's "How the Immune System Works". After you have done that get back to me and we can begin a discussion.
Yeah, we don’t have people in iron lung machines anymore but polio vaccine is useless. Ok. 👌
The problem with reading your recommended books is that I am not an expert in the field. So they may very well be quite convincing, but it’s like explaining how an airplane flies to a 3-year old. I can make up a bunch of whiz bang words and he won’t know the difference.
So I go by what I know. And I know that historically, especially in the summers, parents were petrified of sending their kids outside because of polio. Even FDR had polio, so it wasn’t some disease caused by malnutrition or something. And then after the vaccine , polio no longer exists. Now you can tell me that correlation doesn’t equal causation, and I agree with you. But then you’ll have to propose some other explanation for why polio went away when the vaccine came. I’m interested to hear it, but don’t tell me to read some book about virology.
Dr. Humphries devotes a chapter to polio. from p. 222 through p.292. The chapter is titled "The Disappearance of Polio". It opens with three quotes. The second one is hopefully understandable by you: "Morris Beale offered a standing reward during the years from 1954 to 1960 of $30,00 which he would pay to anyone who could prove that the polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. There were no takers."
1. Polio peaked during the years that DDT was most widely used. DDT causes flaccid paralysis and flaccid paralytic DDT poisoning was mostly misdiagnosed as polio.
2. After the vaccine(s) came out the definition of polio was changed from any flaccid paralysis to flaccid paralysis lasting longer than 48 hours which eliminated most cases of "polio".
3. Though the vaccines cause polio, every effort was made after the vaccines were introduced to diagnose a non-polio disease in the vaccinated.
4. A contributor to the crippling of "polio" patients was treatment by such barbaric means as tendon cutting, surgical straightening, prolonged splinting.
5. Arsenic and lead poisoning. Lead arsenate was even sprayed on fruits and vegetables. Paralysis from these poisons misdiagnosed as polio.
6. Congenital syphilis misdiagnosed as polio.
A 2003 review of FDR's disease was that he had GBS (Guillan-Barre Syndrome), not polio.
Reference for Roosevelt's Illness: Goldman et al., "What Was the Cause of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Paralytic Illness?" Journal of Medical Biography, vol. 11, 2003, pp. 233 - 240
This is a well-researched list of information. Fauci and his mob of medical murderers have been profiting from the pharm. industry for decades now and it is really about the money. They have achieved regulatory capture and in the long game for transhumanism this was a necessity. It has been a strategy in the long game of eugenics and population control and covid has been the perfect storm for this cabal of psychopaths to control the entire planet and kill off millions. I personally would not trust anything coming out of Fauci's mouth with what I have researched about the Aids virus and the cruel fraud perpetrated on so many by Fauci. I am one of Peter Duisburg's followers because he basically proved that Fauci and his house of cards was a fraud and still is to this day. Fauci stated that AZT was the only drug approved for AIDs, but it only killed the patient because it is a poison, and he knew it. Most people have some empathy and sympathy for other humans and so cannot wrap their minds around the idea that there are people who think this way, and this is part of the problem. The elitists of the world actually do think this way and it has been a wet dream for a verry long time. We have to keep getting the word out to as many people as possible in order to stop them from enslaving all of us for their own benefit. They know their house of cards is falling down as we reach peak oil and other resources dwindle. They will be the ones the public blames for the coming breakdown of the car culture and if nothing can be transported or manufactured because of no oil then everything stops, get it? This is what all of this is really about.
Yes, you are right. According to Kerri Mullis and several other internationally known scientists it is actually a cancer caused by another virus. Are you familiar with Judy Mikovits? She worked for Fauci and her knowledge about his fraud is well documented. Listen to some of her interviews and you will see what I mean. Thanks for the comment, Jack.
Once the one-cause-one-illness baloney is dropped, it becomes possible to combine causes and arrive at reasonably realistic assumptions regarding the origins of a conglomerate of symptoms.
In the case of AIDS, malnutrition, pollution, and environmental hazards seem to offer decent vantage points...
Thanks for this excellent and well-referenced summary. I had also figured out the lack of necessity, safety and efficacy as categories. I had also found countless reasons not to trust the actors, but had not thought of using this as a fourth category.
We could have gleaned much information on the (lack of) safety from Moderna's Wikipedia page which says: "the program with Alexion was scrapped in January 2017 after animal trials showed that Moderna's treatment would never be safe enough for humans".
It also says for the year 2017: "the mRNA spread beyond the injection site and was found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow and heart".
So it was publicly available knowledge that the injections do not stay in the shoulder. Certainly authorities and insiders knew this. So them saying that the injection did stay in the shoulder was an intentional lie.
I find it surprising that this information has still not been removed from the Wikipedia page, even though Wikipedia is basically a propaganda site for Big Pharma where medicines and diseases are concerned.
For more information, see Sharyl Attkisson's TED talk:
Great info, Frank, thanks! I have seen similar such scrubbing on Wikipedia surrounding climate issues. It's a shame. Wikipedia has been a great resource for many of us for the last 15-20 years. But alas, no source escapes the light of skepticism. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who has said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Point D-13: "dropping all COVID events (cases, hospitalizations, and deaths) if they occur within 14 days of the shot"
Would read better as 'misapplying all Covid events within 14 days of booster to the previous, lower/unvaxxed group, falsely enhancing the vulnerability of the lower-vaxxed group.'
Everyone needs to start suing. I wrote a similar article (nowhere near as extensive or well written) and posted it in response to Governor Jay Inslee's (WA) Medium account where he had announced his vaxxine mandate. Medium deleted my account because my questions were a threat to public health. I feel like I should be able to sue Medium or Inslee for censorship by proxy. https://rlmartinwrites.com/2021/08/07/answer-these-questions-and-i-might-take-your-stupid-shot/ Anybody lawyers out there can offer some advice?
He posits that it could be underdeveloped immunity causing the hepatitis surge, since kids in the 1-3 yo range have essentially been living in prison their whole lives, and have not been exposed to the world the way they should be.
To me, Dr. Yeadon seems to be more advanced than Steve, but Steve offers a forum for opposing voices and enables constructive exchanges of findings and ideas!
Unfortunately everything you’ve been told about this virus & the vaccines is lies. Literally everything.
Why would they do that? To smash the economy & render you ill. The end game is mandatory digital ID. The end of democracy & human freedom. I believe that totalitarian tyranny will be used for mass depopulation.
Your call.
Great document, Mike. Thanks for linking!
You tried to warn us, Dr. Yeadon, and your pleas fell on so many deaf ears. It's tragic. Mass formation is real. But it's good that you tried, because every little bit counts, eventually people will have no choice but to look at the history books and see what really happened.
The post and the link are good to read.
Those, who still consider Dr. Yeadon a shill, might want to go back in time as observe how his considerations evolved and now they are fully functional in the current "Medical" paradigm, while refuting the criminal narrative that has been taking advantage of it.
Most peculiarly, although I could engage in exchanging observations from the .pdf files that could fill volumes, my current conclusions are just about the same even when I disagree with some of the logistics in the paper.
Most importantly, it is the end result that matters.
I fully concur with the rest of the post to which I am responding.
If I was shilling (whatever that really means) I expect I’d be making an income from it.
The harsh reality is that I’ve made not a penny & have forgone a decent six figure income (being fired by consulting clients, which I knew would happen & wasn’t part of my decision making).
On top of that, I’ve had no private life for 2.5y.
Thank you for becoming one of the people. Being one doesn't necessarily mean good, as opposed to your case, because if there is one thing I agree with the eugenicists, it is that the majority is not exactly smart and, worse, many of them would sell out their own siblings, if only they had the chance.
A shill is indeed a paid advocate, but that's not what I meant. Many of them are intimidated (just look at the famous actors, who died under spurious circumstances, presumably because they did not submit after 2001), while others are stupid enough to accept the central bankers' fiat "money" that is not going to be worth a penny in a couple of years. Some of them are even stupid enough to believe they are "special" and will be spared.
You've made the smart decision that is even the moral one! :)
Sorry about your private life. Most of us haven't had any, either. It's either because we've lost our jobs or because, some of us, who fell for the scam for a second and got injected. At this point, the delivery system has been perfected to the point that the monsters are not even pushing for the injections anymore and, if they do, it's only for a show.
Have the ingredients been "perfected" as well?
It looks like the whole global scam is now being conducted and in a way, even controlled, by an "super AI" that even its operators do not know, because it is a self-improving algorithm. That is certainly spelling doom over mankind, because it can be prevented from taking over only by leaving the execution phase up to humans, and human failure is inevitable...
Here are my latest news about the injections:
Hello, yes everything about the 'virus' and the new disease is a complete lie. Including the lie that they exist. The whole thing is a phantom to scare us (and bring in digital IDs), thankfully Scooby, Shaggy and Thelma, even without her glasses, have revealed that it's only a dodgy bloke in a white coat with some phosphorescence and a projector https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid
I prefer to keep it simple. The reason I don't want a shot is because there is no virus, illness is not infectious and injecting any substance (let alone nanoparticles and some genetic sequences that may or may not be translated by my cells) directly under my skin is extremely dangerous.
To allow such an injection would be complete madness.
An excellent review of the saga so far.
Many thanks
Hi James. Really nice compilation. I guess if there were one thing to add, I would put in a blurb inre: the hundreds of athletes around the world who have suddenly dropped dead from heart attacks on the field or court. Tennis players who have dropped out of matches clutching their chests...that sort of thing. It just makes no sense for young, fit people to suddenly suffer cardiac arrest, unless something nefarious is going on.
Added. Thank you!
Splendid to have this in one place/article. I salute you. Magnificent.
#6 does not seem to take me to the information you describe. Not sure if moderna has changed the info. that was previously in the link(?) I live in Boston, MA (the State where Moderna is headquartered) and sent this to my Boston Mayor and City Council and Governor and my entire State Legislature (all Senators and Representatives) this a.m. Thank you. This is an excellent resource for those that truly need and want more information. God knows they won't get it from mainstream media and big tech.
Great, let's hope they learn something!
Thanks, I clarified the language on #6: Moderna actually say "no serious adverse events" in their press release. But they admit to "grade 3 systemic events". Also added a link to an analysis by RFK Jr, who explains that this is actually a terrible outcome for phase I trials, despite the celebratory language of the press release.
I am still wondering about the number of batches in the trials, because each seems to have produced different "side effects."
Hi PJ: I live in Boston as well. Did you ever get any response from any of these representatives? I am wanting to do more to take action and have considered a more targeted effort with legislators. Or letters to the editor. I find Dr. Aseem Mulhaltra's presentations particularly persuasive and wonder now about using these to share with legislators.
I've had some good responses! I sent the recent video of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Mulhaltra's statements concerning vaccine injury in their video "Until Proven Otherwise." I try to focus on emailing not just my senator and representative, but all of the house and senate leadership, and all senators and representatives that represent Suffolk county. Then I add in others depending on what I know about them and how supportive they might be. I also always send my comments to the Joint Committee for Public Health, which have their own email, which gets forwarded to all members. And now I always copy the Boston Globe, WCVB TV (channel 5 ) and W CBS News local (channel 4) because they have emails for news tips. I want them all to see that I'm copying the news media too. Health Rights MA helped me do a meeting with 200 of our state legislators and constituents to support a bill for bodily autonomy. Representative Patrick O'Connor presented that bill. Representative Peter Durant presented a bill to ban covid-19 injection passports. All of our elected officials need encouragement to continue to work on these issues in the upcoming session which begins in January. I think it's important that constituents reach out to them and the media with educational materials from credentialed, MDs and scientists on a regular basis.
Thank you. An excellent summary. Would you consider doing the same analysis for the childhood vaccines?. The research I have done shows many of the same flaws in the "safe and effective" narrative that we blindly accept.
Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Mr. Roman Bystrianyk present evidence for every vaccine that none has ever been needed in their book "Dissolving Illusions"
Excellent book. Opened my eyes to the entire sham.
See when people say things like this, you lose me. There’s no need for a polio or smallpox vaccine? Seriously?
There is no need for a polio or smallpox vaccine. I am not going to say more, as you need to do some homework. For a start read Humphries's and Bystrianyk's book, "Dissolving Illusions". Follow that with a modern immunology text, such as, Lauren Sompayrac's "How the Immune System Works". After you have done that get back to me and we can begin a discussion.
Yeah, we don’t have people in iron lung machines anymore but polio vaccine is useless. Ok. 👌
The problem with reading your recommended books is that I am not an expert in the field. So they may very well be quite convincing, but it’s like explaining how an airplane flies to a 3-year old. I can make up a bunch of whiz bang words and he won’t know the difference.
So I go by what I know. And I know that historically, especially in the summers, parents were petrified of sending their kids outside because of polio. Even FDR had polio, so it wasn’t some disease caused by malnutrition or something. And then after the vaccine , polio no longer exists. Now you can tell me that correlation doesn’t equal causation, and I agree with you. But then you’ll have to propose some other explanation for why polio went away when the vaccine came. I’m interested to hear it, but don’t tell me to read some book about virology.
Dr. Humphries devotes a chapter to polio. from p. 222 through p.292. The chapter is titled "The Disappearance of Polio". It opens with three quotes. The second one is hopefully understandable by you: "Morris Beale offered a standing reward during the years from 1954 to 1960 of $30,00 which he would pay to anyone who could prove that the polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. There were no takers."
1. Polio peaked during the years that DDT was most widely used. DDT causes flaccid paralysis and flaccid paralytic DDT poisoning was mostly misdiagnosed as polio.
2. After the vaccine(s) came out the definition of polio was changed from any flaccid paralysis to flaccid paralysis lasting longer than 48 hours which eliminated most cases of "polio".
3. Though the vaccines cause polio, every effort was made after the vaccines were introduced to diagnose a non-polio disease in the vaccinated.
4. A contributor to the crippling of "polio" patients was treatment by such barbaric means as tendon cutting, surgical straightening, prolonged splinting.
5. Arsenic and lead poisoning. Lead arsenate was even sprayed on fruits and vegetables. Paralysis from these poisons misdiagnosed as polio.
6. Congenital syphilis misdiagnosed as polio.
A 2003 review of FDR's disease was that he had GBS (Guillan-Barre Syndrome), not polio.
Reference for Roosevelt's Illness: Goldman et al., "What Was the Cause of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Paralytic Illness?" Journal of Medical Biography, vol. 11, 2003, pp. 233 - 240
This is a well-researched list of information. Fauci and his mob of medical murderers have been profiting from the pharm. industry for decades now and it is really about the money. They have achieved regulatory capture and in the long game for transhumanism this was a necessity. It has been a strategy in the long game of eugenics and population control and covid has been the perfect storm for this cabal of psychopaths to control the entire planet and kill off millions. I personally would not trust anything coming out of Fauci's mouth with what I have researched about the Aids virus and the cruel fraud perpetrated on so many by Fauci. I am one of Peter Duisburg's followers because he basically proved that Fauci and his house of cards was a fraud and still is to this day. Fauci stated that AZT was the only drug approved for AIDs, but it only killed the patient because it is a poison, and he knew it. Most people have some empathy and sympathy for other humans and so cannot wrap their minds around the idea that there are people who think this way, and this is part of the problem. The elitists of the world actually do think this way and it has been a wet dream for a verry long time. We have to keep getting the word out to as many people as possible in order to stop them from enslaving all of us for their own benefit. They know their house of cards is falling down as we reach peak oil and other resources dwindle. They will be the ones the public blames for the coming breakdown of the car culture and if nothing can be transported or manufactured because of no oil then everything stops, get it? This is what all of this is really about.
Even beagles don't like Fauci.
For that matter, even the existence of AIDS has never been proven...
Yes, you are right. According to Kerri Mullis and several other internationally known scientists it is actually a cancer caused by another virus. Are you familiar with Judy Mikovits? She worked for Fauci and her knowledge about his fraud is well documented. Listen to some of her interviews and you will see what I mean. Thanks for the comment, Jack.
Once the one-cause-one-illness baloney is dropped, it becomes possible to combine causes and arrive at reasonably realistic assumptions regarding the origins of a conglomerate of symptoms.
In the case of AIDS, malnutrition, pollution, and environmental hazards seem to offer decent vantage points...
Thanks for this excellent and well-referenced summary. I had also figured out the lack of necessity, safety and efficacy as categories. I had also found countless reasons not to trust the actors, but had not thought of using this as a fourth category.
We could have gleaned much information on the (lack of) safety from Moderna's Wikipedia page which says: "the program with Alexion was scrapped in January 2017 after animal trials showed that Moderna's treatment would never be safe enough for humans".
It also says for the year 2017: "the mRNA spread beyond the injection site and was found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow and heart".
So it was publicly available knowledge that the injections do not stay in the shoulder. Certainly authorities and insiders knew this. So them saying that the injection did stay in the shoulder was an intentional lie.
I find it surprising that this information has still not been removed from the Wikipedia page, even though Wikipedia is basically a propaganda site for Big Pharma where medicines and diseases are concerned.
For more information, see Sharyl Attkisson's TED talk:
Astroturf and manipulation of media messages
See also:
Wikipedia co-founder: I no longer trust the website I created | UnHerd
Great info, Frank, thanks! I have seen similar such scrubbing on Wikipedia surrounding climate issues. It's a shame. Wikipedia has been a great resource for many of us for the last 15-20 years. But alas, no source escapes the light of skepticism. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who has said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Thanks for your dedication and tireless work to reveal the truth! God bless you 🙏🏼
Point D-13: "dropping all COVID events (cases, hospitalizations, and deaths) if they occur within 14 days of the shot"
Would read better as 'misapplying all Covid events within 14 days of booster to the previous, lower/unvaxxed group, falsely enhancing the vulnerability of the lower-vaxxed group.'
Good point! I adjusted it. Thanks!
Beautiful resource to have in hand. Thank you so much for putting this all together for us! ❤️🙏❤️
Very nice work. Looks like hepatitis could also be due to the vaccines. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34717185/
Everyone needs to start suing. I wrote a similar article (nowhere near as extensive or well written) and posted it in response to Governor Jay Inslee's (WA) Medium account where he had announced his vaxxine mandate. Medium deleted my account because my questions were a threat to public health. I feel like I should be able to sue Medium or Inslee for censorship by proxy. https://rlmartinwrites.com/2021/08/07/answer-these-questions-and-i-might-take-your-stupid-shot/ Anybody lawyers out there can offer some advice?
Interesting about the hepatitis. I don't want to add it yet because the jury's still out. NE points out that it is surging even in infants that have not been vaxxed, like in the UK: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/lockdowns-could-be-causing-surge
He posits that it could be underdeveloped immunity causing the hepatitis surge, since kids in the 1-3 yo range have essentially been living in prison their whole lives, and have not been exposed to the world the way they should be.
Maybe hepatitis in the babies due to shedding or breast feeding the vax into their little, helpless bodies.
Good point!
Also, most peculiarly, infants reject breastmilk from injected mothers...
The one-cause-one-illness BS has been prevalent in the current pseudo-medical practice forever...
Yep, Medium deleted seven years of my posts:
Great job, something similar:
Also, some recent stuff:
From 9:50 - https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-bidens-positive-covid-test-steps-on-vaccination-message/
Thanks, and thanks for the links! I'll add them to my "to-do" file.
Great synopsis. Perhaps you've heard of the DMED database? https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/this-medical-data-from-the-us-dod?r=qk4it&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Yeah! Heard about it, but I need to go through it in more detail. Thanks for the link!
To me, Dr. Yeadon seems to be more advanced than Steve, but Steve offers a forum for opposing voices and enables constructive exchanges of findings and ideas!
Are you on Social Media, so i can share this?
Yep, the share button at the bottom of the post should automatically add my twitter handle, I believe. Thanks for sharing :)
Found it, its the arrow next to the comment/like icon at top. THANK YOU!!!
Sending to my local Board of Harm......