This is a well-researched list of information. Fauci and his mob of medical murderers have been profiting from the pharm. industry for decades now and it is really about the money. They have achieved regulatory capture and in the long game for transhumanism this was a necessity. It has been a strategy in the long game of eugenics and po…
This is a well-researched list of information. Fauci and his mob of medical murderers have been profiting from the pharm. industry for decades now and it is really about the money. They have achieved regulatory capture and in the long game for transhumanism this was a necessity. It has been a strategy in the long game of eugenics and population control and covid has been the perfect storm for this cabal of psychopaths to control the entire planet and kill off millions. I personally would not trust anything coming out of Fauci's mouth with what I have researched about the Aids virus and the cruel fraud perpetrated on so many by Fauci. I am one of Peter Duisburg's followers because he basically proved that Fauci and his house of cards was a fraud and still is to this day. Fauci stated that AZT was the only drug approved for AIDs, but it only killed the patient because it is a poison, and he knew it. Most people have some empathy and sympathy for other humans and so cannot wrap their minds around the idea that there are people who think this way, and this is part of the problem. The elitists of the world actually do think this way and it has been a wet dream for a verry long time. We have to keep getting the word out to as many people as possible in order to stop them from enslaving all of us for their own benefit. They know their house of cards is falling down as we reach peak oil and other resources dwindle. They will be the ones the public blames for the coming breakdown of the car culture and if nothing can be transported or manufactured because of no oil then everything stops, get it? This is what all of this is really about.
Yes, you are right. According to Kerri Mullis and several other internationally known scientists it is actually a cancer caused by another virus. Are you familiar with Judy Mikovits? She worked for Fauci and her knowledge about his fraud is well documented. Listen to some of her interviews and you will see what I mean. Thanks for the comment, Jack.
Once the one-cause-one-illness baloney is dropped, it becomes possible to combine causes and arrive at reasonably realistic assumptions regarding the origins of a conglomerate of symptoms.
In the case of AIDS, malnutrition, pollution, and environmental hazards seem to offer decent vantage points...
This is a well-researched list of information. Fauci and his mob of medical murderers have been profiting from the pharm. industry for decades now and it is really about the money. They have achieved regulatory capture and in the long game for transhumanism this was a necessity. It has been a strategy in the long game of eugenics and population control and covid has been the perfect storm for this cabal of psychopaths to control the entire planet and kill off millions. I personally would not trust anything coming out of Fauci's mouth with what I have researched about the Aids virus and the cruel fraud perpetrated on so many by Fauci. I am one of Peter Duisburg's followers because he basically proved that Fauci and his house of cards was a fraud and still is to this day. Fauci stated that AZT was the only drug approved for AIDs, but it only killed the patient because it is a poison, and he knew it. Most people have some empathy and sympathy for other humans and so cannot wrap their minds around the idea that there are people who think this way, and this is part of the problem. The elitists of the world actually do think this way and it has been a wet dream for a verry long time. We have to keep getting the word out to as many people as possible in order to stop them from enslaving all of us for their own benefit. They know their house of cards is falling down as we reach peak oil and other resources dwindle. They will be the ones the public blames for the coming breakdown of the car culture and if nothing can be transported or manufactured because of no oil then everything stops, get it? This is what all of this is really about.
Even beagles don't like Fauci.
For that matter, even the existence of AIDS has never been proven...
Yes, you are right. According to Kerri Mullis and several other internationally known scientists it is actually a cancer caused by another virus. Are you familiar with Judy Mikovits? She worked for Fauci and her knowledge about his fraud is well documented. Listen to some of her interviews and you will see what I mean. Thanks for the comment, Jack.
Once the one-cause-one-illness baloney is dropped, it becomes possible to combine causes and arrive at reasonably realistic assumptions regarding the origins of a conglomerate of symptoms.
In the case of AIDS, malnutrition, pollution, and environmental hazards seem to offer decent vantage points...