Dear Davosians, Here’s Why You’re Losing Humanity’s Trust
We’re onto you. It was never going to work.
You’re meeting right now.
Though the meetings are closed, tiered, invitation-only affairs, we know exactly what you’re talking about. You haven’t been shy about it.
Indeed, Herr Klaus has never met a camera he didn’t share his dystopian plans to.
Klaus says this year’s meeting is all about addressing the “eroding trust” in institutions. He says the way to do this is by:
“reinforcing cooperation between the government and business sectors, creating the conditions for a strong and durable recovery. At the same time there must be the recognition that economic development needs to be made more resilient, more sustainable and nobody should be left behind.”
Okay, so here’s trust issue number one. This is called doublespeak. The words sound nice and harmless, but also vague, which means there’s not a person alive who isn’t thinking to themselves, “Hmm, I wonder what he really means by that?”
And given everything else you Davosians have said up until now, I think we can translate this to plain English fairly easily.
You’re talking about how to put people under constant surveillance through global digital IDs.
You’re talking about how to suppress information you don’t like, and punish people for spreading it.

You’re talking about how to manufacture permanent crises, so that, in our terror, we will fall into lockstep.
You’re talking about implementing programmable currencies so you’ll be able to turn off people’s purchasing power and movements as you see fit.
You’re talking about enforcing global pandemic treaties, so the WHO will have the power to forcibly medicate everyone on the planet (even if we know the “medication” is a slow-kill bioweapon.)
You’re talking about how to take away everything people own (and convince them they’re happy about it), to the point where they have to rely on your largesse to survive (which they will only be able to obtain if you deem them a “good citizen”).
You’re talking about measuring “good citizen” status through an ESG score, which will function more or less like China’s social credit system.
And you’re talking about how, if someone is not a good citizen, their movement and associations will be restricted, as well as their access to goods and services.
Are you really wondering why you’ve lost the people’s trust?
The “reinforcing” you speak of actually means forcing.
“Cooperation between government and business sectors” is not hard to interpret. A year one poli-sci student knows this either means a state-owned economy, AKA communism, or a corporate-controlled government, AKA fascism. Take your pick, two sides of the same coin.
Words like “durable” and “sustainable” mean not subject to market forces, i.e., you want a stranglehold over who owns what and what gets produced and for whose benefit, regardless of what real people might want.
“No one left behind” means no one left uncompliant.
If all you Davos members were talking about was surveilling and chipping and tracking and medicating and social credit scoring each other, we would not have a problem.
Have at it, lunatics.
But you’re not. You’re talking about subjecting the entire global populace to this mad, technocratic, pharmaceutical, biosurveillance nightmare.
This is what has eroded trust. Nothing more.
I don’t want any part of it. And millions of others feel the same.
Which means you have a problem.
But I think you know that. Which is why this one last desperate bid for “cooperation” (which really means compliance).
Your world domination plans have not panned out. I’d say “sorry”, but unlike you, I try to avoid saying things I don’t mean.
Using vague terminology about “building partnerships” doesn’t work on one day, when you say blatantly dystopian things on another. We’re onto you.
We’ll call that tip # 1.
Here’s a few more reasons it’s not going to work out for you.
Evil is inherently impractical
Truly insane, evil people do not come up with workable, practical ideas.
Even when implemented, they function badly in the world. They break things. Even though your plan might seem like a sprawling cathedral in your mind, in the world, it is toothpicks held together with chewing gum.
And before long, under such a system, no one remembers how to make chewing gum.
Yes, evil might win for a day, and life be made miserable, even unbearable, for a while. (None of us normal folk have to think very hard for examples of that over the past three years.)
But evil plans cannot be made “durable” as you seem to dream. They cannot last forever. They are doomed to collapse.
This ESG score business is a prime example of shooting yourself in the foot. By incentivizing corporations to be “virtuous” (your definition, not mine) and disincentivizing profit and wealth creation, you will destroy profit and wealth creation. It’s only a matter of time, under such a system, before all of your supposedly “virtuous” corporations are bailout-hungry loads dragging the entire economic crane into the pit.
Such a system will, must, collapse.
You must know that this is why Soviet Union could not last. Eventually the machines and reactors started to break down. Competent people were not rewarded for their competence, so they vanished or escaped. All that were left were the best bootlickers. And licking boots doesn’t create wealth, or anything of value to help your society to go on existing. A society based on bootlicking is doomed. Especially in competition with other societies which value and incentivize competence and wealth creation (and who don’t give a rat’s dirty patootie for authoritarian nonsense).
Trying to make things true that aren’t
Some people have called your Agenda, especially the owning nothing and being happy about it part, “Marxism in disguise”. Maybe. Maybe it’s Marxism, or crony capitalism, or technocracy, or maybe you’re just obeying the insane voices in your head. It really doesn’t matter what your motivating ideology is, if you even have one. Forcing people to “own nothing” is a violation of their rights which derive from basic facts of the universe.
Let me sum it up for you…
1. We are limited, physical entities. We’re not ephemeral spirits. Which means we require physical things. If we don’t have those things, we don’t get to go on being entities anymore.
2. There are, unfortunately, people who do not want to go the trouble and effort of obtaining their own things. They want to take OTHER’S things.
These two inescapable laws give rise to the necessity of RIGHTS.
Any ideology or technology that promises a utopia involving the non-ownership of things is in violation of these basic facts. The only reason “non-ownership” even occurs as a concept to a human mind is if it is enjoying massive abundance. Nobody owns air, for example. But even if we imagine a situation in which goods are infinitely abundant (Star Trek replicators making anything out of the infinite energy of the universe, for example) it would not change the need for those things to be possessed, once created.
Unlimited abundance does not legalize thievery. Even if you live in a technological utopia, you still need, at a minimum, a roof over your head, which no one has the right to take from you.
Property rights are not optional. They are foundational. Violate universal laws at your own peril. When your system tries to make things true that aren’t, your system is doomed.
Worldwide compliance is an unobtainable dream
Your world domination plans require everyone on the planet to be injected with the same “medication”.
Well, you tried. You got pretty far. 5.5 billion souls, according to the NY Times. That’s about 64%.
Not bad. But it only gets you a C minus in Pharmaceutical Dystopia Class. Sorry.
Three billion people said Thanks, I’m good, all the while resisting the most formidable propaganda campaign in history. Entire nations said no thanks. And now, despite your attempts to silence them, we have doctors speaking out. And millions more saying no to your endless booster program.
You have increased, not decreased, global suffering. And it has become obvious. Young people are dying in droves. Trying to normalize it isn’t working. People are starting to wake out of a fog and see what’s happening.
(And did you think we wouldn’t notice you only using unvaccinated pilots, FFS?)
Your compliance numbers are falling off a cliff.
You tried to force people into compliance by implementing vax passports. Some places adopted it. In others, it was met with a backlash. Some countries threw it out altogether.
Again, nowhere near global compliance.
You tried to censor so-called “misinformation”.
This was, in my opinion, the dumbest of all your moves.
How do you eradicate truths? You cannot do it.
Even in Fahrenheit 451, they couldn’t burn all the books. Nowadays, it isn’t books you’re burning but tech platforms. But we knew you were doing it, which was a piece of information you could not suppress. Our federal agencies were caught red-handed.
Again, the people are figuring this out, and they’re not happy.
And some of the “silenced” voices found other venues and ways to broadcast their message to even larger audiences.
Moreover, the attempted silencing made people listen even harder to what the dissidents were saying.
This is, I believe, the classic hoisting of oneself on one’s own petard. You cannot truly eliminate dissident voices, not without emboldening and hardening those voices. We’ve become more powerful, not less.
Thanks for the power-up, tyrants.
It’s been many years since I read Machiavelli in college, and I can’t remember if he advised his Prince on this, but if he didn’t, it should have been: Don’t Suppress Ideas, Idiot. It can’t be done, and you will drive people toward those ideas.
Censorship never works. All you do in the attempt is broadcast what you’re threatened by, and thereby tell people what to pay attention to.
Again, we are in another violation of basic facts of the universe: we’re a species that survives by communicating information to one another. Any system based on the suppression of that information has something to hide, an interest other than the survival of the species, and is therefore committing suicide. (Or democide).
Do you really believe you’ll be able to enforce good behavior = absolute compliance forever? China tried. Their sophisticated social credit score and 540 million surveillance cameras didn’t stop these protests from happening.
You’ll never get there, okay? Total compliance is an unobtainable myth.
No empire has ever conquered the whole world and been without enemies. Not one. Not the British Empire, not China, not Rome. You’ll have to fight the non-compliant within, and wage war on non-compliant nations, for as long as your dystopia exists.
Here’s another basic fact of the universe: no two people on the planet agree top-to-bottom on everything. In addition to dissidents, you’ll also have to worry about disagreements within your own ranks. In-fighting is inevitable. Decorated, high ranking officials suddenly disappearing. Purges. Assassinations. Counter-revolutions. So it has gone with every tyranny, ever.
Evil eats itself. This has been a theme in much of the literature I’ve read ever since I was a wee lad. (I believe The Lord of the Rings has some sentiment to that effect, somewhere. You should try reading it. It’s about a what happens to an evil tyrant when he tries to conquer the world. Turns out, the free people of the world band together and fight. I won’t spoil the ending. Read it and see what happens to the tyrant.)
As Klaus said, “Covid-19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world.”
Narrow, and you missed it.
And now what?
Now you have a full-fledged resistance on your hands.
Liberty-minded sentiment has exploded. I can’t recall a time in my life where I’ve seen so many people flooding the airwaves, calling out the encroaching tyranny in our lives.
You played your hand carelessly, Davosians, revealing it too soon and too blatantly.
We were (prior to 2020) in Brave New World--people blissfully unaware of the threat, happy to get their soma hits.
But in your impatience to realize your Agenda, you pushed us into 1984. (Who’s lame-brained idea was it to create an actual Ministry of Truth? Did you honestly think no one was going to notice??)
I believe if you had kept us in Brave New World, you might have achieved your objectives, at least in the short-term—we would have built our own prison by 2030, and been happy about it.
Instead, you’ve awakened the beast, and now find yourself in a world full of pissed-off villagers.
You’ve created a real problem for yourselves. Billions of angry souls will not sit still for more crimes to be committed against them.
Which is why, I suppose, you’re having Klaus plead for “cooperation” and “trust”.
Sorry guys, but we are well, WELL past trust.
If I were you, I’d start warming up the escape pods.
Also, the dirt under their fingernails blue collar working class and military special forces veterans...will never comply. The rednecks that know what deer meat and squirrel tastes like..will never comply.
Perhaps we have seen what they are planning, and we want to tell them we are not interested. Nonetheless, the damage they have done thus far, and the damage they're continuing to do, will cost the lives and livelihoods of MILLIONS of people. Even if we are able to stop the worst of their plans, we will be left with a world that has been, in large part, destroyed by their efforts to implement their dystopian plans. And, if we fail, it's possible that a significant percentage of humanity will suffer for years (decades?) because of these psychopathic megalomaniacs. How can we drag them down off their thrones and hold them accountable for this carnage?