Also, the dirt under their fingernails blue collar working class and military special forces veterans...will never comply. The rednecks that know what deer meat and squirrel tastes like..will never comply.

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Perhaps we have seen what they are planning, and we want to tell them we are not interested. Nonetheless, the damage they have done thus far, and the damage they're continuing to do, will cost the lives and livelihoods of MILLIONS of people. Even if we are able to stop the worst of their plans, we will be left with a world that has been, in large part, destroyed by their efforts to implement their dystopian plans. And, if we fail, it's possible that a significant percentage of humanity will suffer for years (decades?) because of these psychopathic megalomaniacs. How can we drag them down off their thrones and hold them accountable for this carnage?

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we won't, we need to concentrate efforts on the unjabbed we can help promote, and take care of our jabbed relatives. The decades of change is baked in right now.

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Agree 💯

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Great piece. The Great Reset is the new Great Leap Forward: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-repeat-history-part-2

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💯 Great articles ... Part 1&2

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Thanks for that. THANKS! We are re-watching The Walking Dead. Last night's episode is where Rick told the group that Jennings at the CDC (hahahaha) told them that the thing which turns everyone into zombies after death without a bite or a scratch was "already inside them". I am watching that and just...well, I just can't even.

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Excellent summary and analysis... here are my thoughts along very similar lines https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/my-thoughts-on-the-world-economic

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"Yes, evil might win for a day, and life be made miserable, even unbearable, for a while. (None of us normal folk have to think very hard for examples of that over the past three years.)

But evil plans cannot be made “durable” as you seem to dream. They cannot last forever. They are doomed to collapse."

This is key.

Evil enterprises, as well-funded and murderous as they are, are filled with liars, backstabbers and other trust-obliterating agents who will turn their knives on each other in a heartbeat. It's the not-so-secret weakness of evil, because trust is the glue that holds people together through tough times. And thanks to both their malingering and the apathy of a mind-killed majority, times are about to get plenty tougher for everybody.

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Oh. And Yuval Lunatic Demon worshipper. Where is he!?

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I didn’t see Gates the Bizarre hands and inappropriate chuckles there.

Soros didn’t show.

Trudeau go?




Why ?


This is the Academy Awards Show of Psychopaths .

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I’ve marked this to re-read so that I might digest even more of your writing’s deeply processed knowledge, history, and wisdom !

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