What Happened When I Recently Applied for a Hospital Job
My brief, hilarious foray into enemy territory.
I know what you’re thinking… “A hospital job, JET?? Isn’t that like crossing enemy lines??”
I was thinking the exact same thing as I drove to my meeting with “Trudy” (let’s call her) in the laughably titled “Employee Health” department.
I had some serious trepidation about meeting with Trudy.
I’m not against hospitals or the medical profession as such. I know people, good people, in that system who are trying to do the best work they can, to actually help patients, and to advocate on their behalf when the system is trying to eat them.1
But I also know (and have written quite a bit about) how the medical profession has much to answer for, how it has been perverted and corrupted by corporate forces, and how about what goes on under a hospital roof is often the complete opposite of saving lives.
So, trepidation, yes. But a friend of a friend contacted me and asked me whether I would be interested in a hospital courier job—essentially delivering mail between the various satellite buildings of the hospital. It would only be a couple of hours a day, it paid pretty well, and would make a nice little cushion to my gig income which is irregular at best.
Okay. I hesitatingly agreed to meet with Trudy. I was told there would be a blood draw for TB screening (okay, whatever), some paperwork, and that would be it. All hail the new mailman.
Fair enough, I said, and we set up an appointment.
Well, credit to Trudy—she cut right to the chase. I wasn’t fully bodily inside her office before she started in about my “immunization” record.
She handed me a clipboard list of “required” immunizations that was about twelve items deep. I can’t even remember them all. Pertussis, MMR, tetanus, hepatitus, influenza, etc.
Of course, my immediate reaction was to chuckle. “Oh, I don’t have any of these,” I said.
She stiffened. “Do you mean you don’t have the records? Because we can look them up,” she said, turning to her fancy database machine. “What’s your date of birth?”
Stifling my amusement (and a pinsqueak of horror that I might actually be in such a database, probably with a bunch of “UNPROTECTED” flags in my dossier) I said: “Let me save you some time, Trudy. The last time I was injected with anything was probably in grade school, and I’m sure those records are dust by now.”
She really sucked in a breath at this point and considered her next words carefully. “Are you… opposed?” she said.
The opposed had some stank on it.
Roughly translated, it meant “are you a dirty science-denying anti-vaxxer??”
Poor Trudy. Something tells me it wasn’t her first time dealing with such Opposition.
I laughed aloud and it felt good to do so. Can you imagine me, knowing what I know, sitting there for twelve or so injections of toxifying filth into my system, in the name of supposedly tricking my body into doing what it already knows how to do? For a courier job? It’s just too funny.
I handed her back her clipboard and I said: “If this is where we’re at, I think it’s probably best if we call it a day.”
She made an incredulous scoffing sound.
“I don’t want to waste your time, Trudy,” I said with a smile and walked out. No argument. I just left.
To Trudy’s credit she got to the deal-breaker right away. It would have sucked to go through the blood draw, and all the paperwork, and all the getting-to-know-you chit-chat, only to end up in the same place.
I heard another, more forceful scoffing sound as I exited and walked down the hall which was, in a word, scrumptious. Nom nom nom. Probably Trudy’s shortest “Employee Poisoning Health” screening ever.
Earlier, on my way to the hospital, I hadn’t been feeling that great—squishy, squirmy, doubtful. Leaving, I felt like a million bucks—something the courier job never would have paid me. I was in a good mood the rest of the day. I had forgotten how good it feels to refuse to participate in nonsense.
Later, relating the story to some people at a restaurant, one lady smiled along at my encounter with poor Trudy but felt it necessary to snark at me: “OR, you could have taken them. Just saying.”
Just saying.
And of course, through my exploding head pops everything I could “just say”.
Like the fact that I’ve made my health (not my adherence to an industry-created poisoning schedule, but my actual HEALTH) a lifelong project—maintaining a certain level of fitness and physical activity, avoiding packaged, processed frankenfoods, choosing local and organic, growing my own food when possible, carefully avoiding sugar and chemicals and toxicity—and I’m just going to abandon that project now in my late-forties and start injecting mystery pharma cocktails into my body… for a courier job?
I could “just say” that you, lady, and everyone else in this restaurant and everyone else that they know, have been alive for the release of thousands upon thousands of pharmaceutical products, and we’ve all gone rushing out to put every single one of those products into our bodies, right? No? Why not? Well, if you did that, you’d be dead, and I think we all intuitively know that.
I could say that we all know that those products are not only not necessary, but that it would also be an insanely risky thing to do to our body chemistry. Maybe even irreversible, for whatever short life remained to us.
And that we realize there’s an entire trillion-dollar industry which exists to brainwash unsuspecting people into taking that exact risk, fooling them into thinking their bodies require those products. “Ask your doctor about... Robotrix!”
And that those companies end up hurting people and profiting by the billions.
And that “doctors”, apart from a few notable exceptions, have become little more than poison pill and shot pushers working at the behest of that industry.
And that you, lady, and everyone else intuitively know this, and we realize that it is predatory and fraudulent and downright evil.
So, you and I are in, let’s say, 95% agreement about that.
And then, there exists this other class of products, called by the name “immunizations” (which sounds like a magic “Immunity to Disease” potion from a fantasy RPG) for which these corporations do the exact same thing, but for which you say: “Well, these products are different, and they do belong in every human on the planet, and everyone should go to their nearest pharmacy to have them injected into their body chemistry right away, as soon as they are released for public consumption! Then and only then will we all be SAFE!”
And they’ve convinced you and most of the populace that to question these products is a mild form of insanity. That these products are beyond questioning, beyond scrutiny, and you should just blindly trust that the trillion dollar corporations who hurt you and everyone with all those other products, would never do anything to hurt you with these, that these products are wonderful and safe—after all, they were made by “Science” right?—and that anyone who wants to scrutinize them and ask questions is some kind of lunatic tinfoil hat wearing nutcase.
Do you see the problem?
How have they managed to openly commit fraudulent, hurtful, and even murderous practices over here with this 95% percent of their business, and everyone knows it… but for this other class of product over here, we’re crazy to question whether they’re doing the exact same thing?
And I can tell you, once you start looking into it, and it’s not that hard, you start find things about these products that make your hair stand on end.
Like the fact that the regulatory agencies you think are providing oversight and safeguarding the public are completely captured by that industry.2
That the public have known that the FDA are little more than rubber stampers for decades. That we know what conflicts of interest are, and we know that FDA members who sit on advisory panels all have financial interests, stocks, or future board positions at pharma companies promised to them.
That any safety testing is a joke. That we have officials admitting on video that will have to test the “immunizations” out on the guinea pigs public first before they can identify safety signals.
That the corporations hide, vanish or misclassify or downplay data that would be unfavorable to their approval, including harms done to human test subjects.
That there are known vectors of toxicity built into these products which are overlooked or downplayed or dismissed which will cause harm in some people… and they know it.
That very often these products are so far below the threshold for showing “efficacy” that you have to question whether they do anything at all.
That the corporations with recognizable names that you know like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, etc., do not do any research of their own but farm these out to subcontractors, and what they, the corporations, do is essentially order up and market products that they think they can convince people (or governments) to rush out and buy.
That the same companies own all the major media outlets and basically turn them into screaming advertisements for their products, to whip up danger and fear of not having them in your body, and to downplay harms that people are experiencing who do have them in their body.
That part of their “marketing” campaigns are devoted to quashing and discrediting independent researchers when they look into these things. Like supposed independent media groups that are actually owned by labs, for instance.
That the regulatory agencies also do not do research or “science” of any kind, and essentially exist to market these products to the public under the guise of having looked them over and decided that they were wonderful and everyone should put them into their bodies and that while corporations might lie, the government would never lie to you… right?
That these agencies have been caught red-handed knowing about harms that these products were going to cause millions of people but lied and suppressed or downplayed that information.
That independent researchers keep finding horrible evidence of harms and toxicity and injuries and deaths caused by these products and are screaming a warning to the public, and these warnings are dismissed by so-called “fact checkers”, who, when you look up who is writing their paychecks, you always always always find that they have some supra-national pharma-backing corporate entity behind them, like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or Soros Foundation, or the Rockefeller Institute.
That there are six papers alone in April—the month we are currently in—linking these products to aggressive turbo cancers.
That none of this is ever mentioned on the news, of course, because the news is “Brought to you by Pfizer” and so all that independent research gets quashed and buried and hidden from the public.
And that meanwhile these products are being hotly debated in parliaments and congresses and council chambers around the world in connection with excess deaths, including the question of whether to ban them outright. Also not mentioned on the news, of course.
And that right now people are quitting these agencies, disappearing from parliaments and elected office and dumping their pharma stocks, and taking their money and running, perhaps because they know the public blowback is coming.
Even the NY Times cannot help but acknowledge the widespread harm.
And that if you draw anyone’s attention to any of this they are trained to dismiss you with a label and accuse you of spreading “misinformation” you read on the internet, and that there really should be more censorship of anything not approved by the industry-captured authorities.
And these are the products you want me to just blindly add to my body because “what’s the harm”?
Let’s call that a FUCK NO.
I mean, you lady, could just “take” the evidence too, am I right?
Just saying.
There was a lot I could “just say” but experience has taught me that her level of snark probably would make her unreceptive to any of it, so I just said: “Yeah, not a chance in hell,” and walked away from the conversation.
You know, I’m getting pretty good at that.
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Further Reading:
In fact, a good friend of mine actually had his life saved recently by a quick-thinking doctor in this very hospital, so I am thankful to that doctor and her competence and professionalism. Of course, one wonders if my friend ever would have ended up in a position where he needed to be saved in the first place had he made some very simple lifestyle adjustments upstream… but that’s a different conversation.
Actually “captured” kind of implies there was once a time which these agencies were pure, and that they became corrupted over time. But invariably if you look into the history of their founding, you find the industry leaders themselves behind it all, guaranteeing they will be involved in all “policy” decisions and using their newfound “regulatory” power to expedite their products to market, avoid taxation, and drive out smaller competition.
It seems like "health" has become iatrogenic harm. Does anyone have any critical thinking skills anymore? Always question, as you do. Thumbs up!
My daughter's pediatrician told her that anyone who visited the baby must have a TDap booster. I looked up the prevalence of Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis and more people are injured and/or die from the vaccine than from the disease.
I won't even get into the harm of psychotropics....
Saying "no" feels so good! We need more people to say "no". Great story!