So There's No Such Thing As Good News? (Reader Poll)
Then what the hell are we even doing here?
Here’s a thing I’ve noticed…
Every time I point out some positive development in our fight against tyranny, someone cleverer than me says:
“Hey bro, it’s all part of the psyop/theater/plan.”
Or: “You were meant to see/hear/think this.”
Or: “That’s just controlled opposition.”
Sure, could be.
And I could be imagining the entire universe as a simulation in my Matrix pod.
So what?
My next logical question is: what gives any of this, anything at all, any meaning?
Because if this is what you’re proposing:
If it’s bad news, it’s bad news. If it’s good news it’s also bad news.
…then what in hell are we doing here, anyway?
Is this all just a waste of time and we’re plodding along exactly according to the evil masters’ plan?
If so, then there’s no point to anything: not to reading, not to seeking out evidence and facts, not to critical thinking, not to constructing arguments, not to communicating our thoughts, not to fighting tyranny, not to living. Dynamite the exit to the Cave and enjoy your shadow puppet show. We’re all just stuck in a nonsense loop, rats in a maze, NPCs in the Matrix. Line up for your injections and ID implants and social credit scores right now.
Hell, schedule a lobotomy while you’re at it.
Because what you’re actually describing is futility.
Sorry, but that seems like the psyop: induce a sense of hopelessness in the foolish freedom fighters. Make them think their every effort, even the seemingly good, is futile. Mu-hahaha.
Consider, if we had all done this, simply gone along with the nonsensical, evil plan, because what’s the point, how bad would our lives now be? (Assuming you and I were even still alive.)
To the extent that there is good in our lives, it’s because we’ve fought, resisted, refused to comply.
Lived, as we know we ought live.
These are battles we have won. And each of these battles represents—however overshadowed by evil or trickery—good news.
Of course this doesn’t justify mindless unicorns-and-butterflies optimism. Things could get a whole lot shittier before they get better.
And yes, if something seems shady or doesn’t add up, we should call it out.
But we should also acknowledge the good whenever we see it.
Your effort and life and everything good in it is meaningless otherwise.
Anyway, that’s my take. Curious where y’all stand on this.
What do you think? Is there any such thing as “good news”?
Option 1: Nope. Wake up, JT. No such thing as good news. Everything is part of the evil plan/psyop. Every person who seems to be on your side is really just “controlled opposition.”
Option 2: Sure. Good news is good news, and we should be grateful for allies and anyone who advances the fight in the right direction.
Option 3: Who knows? Some good news is probably real, some of it’s fake/part of the evil plan. We may never know.
Option 4: I don’t agree with any of these statements.
(Of course, feel free to expand your answer in the comments.)
Honestly people. If the news keeps you motivated and inspired, then it's good. If you suspect it's false news, then let it motivate you to find the truth. I'm of the opinion that becoming cynical and defeatist is an absolute GIFT to the oligarchs/psychopaths. The BEST way to fight them is to fight with love in your heart, protect your loved ones, live fully, freely, with joy and resilience.
It doesn't really matter how bad it gets. I want to go out of this world living a life that affirms all that is sacred and good, not as someone who threw in the towel because it seemed hopeless. Even if just a few of us survive, let them be the most loving, compassionate, fierce, honourable and disciplined among us. Take down as many evil doers as you can before they take you down. Just don't become one of them.
Defend your beloved, protect all that is sacred. Never forget to feel reverence for the mystery of life and the necessity of persisting in the face of unimaginable adversity. As a survivor of cancer, twice, one of 6 women in my family in the last 15 years, I can attest to the fact that we are MUCH stronger than we think. I lost my younger sister and mother and I thought I would die with grief. I didn't, clearly. But what got me through was the love of family and friends who never gave up on me. It's my turn now to support others who need to be reminded of why we're here.
That's my 2 cents worth. :-)
I know love is real, and good. I spent two hours in the pool today with 3 of my granddaughters, age 5, 8, &10, and we just talked and played. We smiled and laughed, talked about school and boys and trips to the zoo and shapes in the clouds. We decided we wouldn't want to be a spider for even a day but a couple days as a bird would be fun. It was a perfect day. Their future, and our future, is worth fighting for.