Excellent collection of memes!

The solution isn't voting! We need to educate the population. Ignorant people voting will just continue the same problems.

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People have been saying for at least 5000+ years they want to educate the people. It's written in Sanskrit by the Vedantics on the collapse of their own society. "Herein you will learn of our errors, do not make them your errors."

The people never did get educated. They made the exact same mistakes. Here's another one "All corruption of societies begins with drawing the woman away from her place at the hearth as a mother and keeper of the home."

Repeated. Repeated. Repeated. Repeated. Repeated. Repeated. Repeated. Repeated.

Once I was a young man and vowed to educate the people. I did not know of the arrogance that had to be in me when I said it.

People are ineducable. There have been exceptions in history. This is not one of those exceptions.

Trump was an excellent choice because when your house is on fire, it's good to have somebody throwing sand at the flames, even if it only slows the spread of the conflagration.

That's all this is going to be. This is not a renaissance, the people are not waking up, there will be no revolution.

Harlan Ellison's book about the man in the golden cage assigned to live forever and prick the consciences of the aliens outside as they mistreated their slaves pretty much covers it. That's how futile it is to expect to "educate" and "wake everybody up." Then right after that, we will become vikings who will go about as Nietzschean vitalists who will wear helmets with horns and lead our people into a new era as pagans who eschew the technology we created and gave away free to the entire world.

We gave the world civilization and they are never going to forgive us for it. Time to stop thinking about the worldwide awakening as people enter a new Aquarian age of enlightenment and all that CIA-sponsored claptrap.

Focus should be on people living and surviving their orchestrated plan for genocide. If a person is not awake now, they should be shunned. Too late to run night classes now and visual aids. Not going to work here, hasn't worked anywhere before. No grand awakening. Average IQ is 94 and a majority of the population can barely read and write or speak in complete sentences or even organize their minds sufficiently to admit arguments of any kind.

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Excellent points!

One problem with educating the people is that if you manage to educate the majority of one generation, along comes the next generation and you have to start again.

But more to what I think your point is, educating others is nearly impossible, people have to want to be educated and thus reach out and educate themselves.

The renaissance won't occur until a society hits bottom, we are still on our way down. But perhaps we can be optimistic and hope that we have hit bottom and that Kennedy, Musk and Gabbard are going to pull the USA up into a new era. That path is long and hard, certainly it won't be achieved in just the next four years.

At the very least, as you say, we can throw some sand on the fire and slow the burning while we try to survive.

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I was not trying to sound petulant.

I recognized the second I read your post it was all noblest motives to do something for others.

I'm not trying to be a smart aleck in this reply. I was actually trying to selectively warn you and the other guy ... it's much worse than you think and much later. I don't think the 90% stand a chance. They are going to be vertically deported from their own country in the next twelve months. I was aiming my advice at you specifically because I have read you for a while and I don't think you are an NPC at all.

Deagle report said we are supposed to be down to 60 million next year. A crushed nation of mutants crawling in ashes like animals. Something they know they are not telling the rest of us. I don't know what it is. I do know there is something they are holding back in their cards and they are ten steps ahead of almost all of us.

It's not a good time to try to educate the masses to lead them into the glorious future.

I recommend packing that food. Looking at all the indications and more than a few open confessions, famine is a big part of the cull. Make sure you and your immediate family don't get culled. It is probably one of many coming Darwinian triages. Your ideas won't matter if you are in a one story pile of bodies in a mass grave for famine victims.

Stay focused on your personal survival because all other subjects are off-topic. It is important the bright ones stay alive but if they try to talk their way out of what is coming, that is going to turn out to not be so bright.

I have to wonder if maybe Trump is just another nepenthe to put them all back to sleep at the single most important juncture right before they whack us all. ITZ COMING.

Food for at least 5 years. Ten is much better. 20 is gold. Clean drinking water from an isolated source.

We already lost who knows how many millions waiting on the clock for that vax to split their wig. There's something else and according to their own confessionals (I've read them all) it's scheduled for 2025-2030. Schwab promised you would own nothing but you would be happy. Probably just grateful to live in a pod and eat crickets with 200 million dead.

People will look back and ask how could we be so stupid? Anybody could see they were going to do it. Be one of the clever ones who does not get caught in that cull.

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I would say the solution is all the intelligent people voting.

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Intelligence is no guarantee of truth. I see intelligence as processing speed. With bad programming, an intelligent person just comes to the wrong conclusion faster. Many quite intelligent people, for example, lost their ever-loving minds during the pandemic hoax (Sam Harris comes to mind).

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Processing speed and intelligence are closely related! However there is a bit more than just raw processing speed. Everyone's brain is wired a bit different. Just as important, as speed of our brains, is the ability to integrate a lot of information and come to a more "intelligent" conclusion / interpretation.

The pandemic was a fantastic demonstration of how a huge number of intelligent people failed to comprehend what was going on and fell prey to the propaganda. It showed how people can be manipulated by fear and their own mental shortcuts (trusting "authorities"), resulting in the shutting off of independent reasoning and joining the herd (doing stupid things and giving up freedom without a fight).

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Couldn't hurt. But I question how much value there is for "intelligent" people to vote when there is so little information available about the candidates and such poor candidates to choose from.

Maybe we need to refocus our efforts? Form small local groups and start getting things done *without* government?

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"Form small local groups and start getting things done *without* government?"

Exactly, and I would take this a step further: the degree to which we already get things done we do so without government. We already DO form small groups, organically: families, social groups, businesses, joint artistic ventures, community projects... these are small groups that get things done with no help from (and often in spite of) any elected office holder. The job of the political class is to convince us, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that we need them, which we do not. The political class are parasitical upon the good we already do as humans.

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Although some people are more active in small groups than others. I find it difficult to find other like minded people and even harder to get any of them to do anything (more than talking). Plus, I just moved to a new town and currently don't know *anyone* here.

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Me too, a few years ago. My advice: talk to strangers. In particular, talk about what you want to create in the world. Suddenly connections are formed, phone numbers are exchanged, plans are made. Took me decades of life in a shell, fearing strangers, before I figured this out. It's incredibly powerful.

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Good advice. I'm pretty good at saying "hi" as I pass strangers.

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Love them all! The boot one reminded me of the Malcolm X quote:

"That's not a chip on my shoulder, that's your boot on my neck."

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Absolutely wonderful collection of truth memes! Thank you. ❤️

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These are great! Facing an ugly truth is hard but better than living in ignorance and false hope. I have tried to explain to friends for 20 + years that the parties don’t matter but some people just need to cling to something. I wonder what would happen if everyone put down their phones, turned off the tv or computer and just focused on real life in front of them and ignored all the BS. I bet everyone would be happier, more productive in things that really matter.

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I turned off all MSM and social media 4 years ago. I’m happier. Although what’s really going on can be upsetting, I consider that discernment and act accordingly.

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Just remarkable, enlightening, and truthful. The entire range of deception, evil, and ignorance is put on display in highly intelligent memes. I am changed by the works. Thank you for you efforts and compilation. It is very close to perfection. How very, very insightful.

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Love it.

Keep going.

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"Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner" should be in there somewhere too.

But then what's the alternative? I think some kind of organization is good, some admin, but there must be some way to do this without party politics. And then you still have to keep the control freaks in check. I don't know, maybe it's just human nature. And now we're experimenting with machines making all the decisions as if that will make things better. My advice, stand well back, this thing's gonna blow.

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Amen, brother!

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very good meeeemes

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