What a great piece of writing! Thank you! I’m of the 10% of the Norwegian adult population that refused to get the shot. Almost from the very beginning my sixth sense told me something was off. Early on I stumbled across Michael Yeadon, Gert Vanden Bossche and other dissidents. Our modern day true heroes. I tried to warn my closest friends, my husband and two adult children. They were under the spell, and did not listen. On the contrary they called me conspiracy-theorist and treated me as a crazy person. It nearly cost me my 25-year long marriage. All of them are now triple-injected.

My son and some of my friends are constantly sick with colds. My husband has developed a chronic cough, and I notice something has happened to his short-term memory. All of them had Omicron.

I am left with deep worries that I can not discuss with anyone, as I dont know people that didnt get injected.

I would like to share your piece, but I feel so emotionally drained after these to years, I dont have the strenght to stand in another storm. I have to build up my strenght for whatever outcome of the «vaccines».

I am left with a raging anger and hate towards the perpetrators, may they rot in hell!

God bless the freedom-fighters.

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Stories like yours affect me deeply. I feel your pain. The way we've been cleaved from our loved ones is insidious and tragic. Anger and hate may be an appropriate first response, but I think it's important to move past it into strategy and action.

Three actions that have helped me immensely during this time: communing with nature, connecting with others through writing, and meeting up with like-minded people.

Particularly this last, I think. We are inherently social creatures, which makes isolation one of the cruelest forms of punishment visited upon us these last years. We're supposed to exchange thoughts face-to-face, to see each other laugh, to share meals, to sing together, cheer our favorite sports teams together, to share stories. I don't know if it's possible in your circumstance, but organizing a night out with a handful of like-minded folks does wonders to powerfully lift your spirit and give you the courage to stand up to an otherwise brainwashed society.

Yes, I agree, god bless the freedom fighters!

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I am so sorry that you have no one to speak to about this. I feel fortunate to have 2 people close to me that I've been able to give info to and they have agreed with me. That said, many others live in the other world and I don't bother to discuss the topic. Also they have all gotten "covid" after all the shots... They all say, "Well I didn't end up hospitalized". Well you wouldn't have been hospitalized if you took Vitamin d, Zinc, quercitin, ivermectin, any number of things to boost your immune system or stop the virus from replicating. Stay strong and know you're on the right side of history.♥️

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Hi! I am new to your Substack. I am not one to comment but in response to what you have just posted l feel l must! You have given me much hope. Your words are brilliant & true. I will be sharing with others. For those of us that are aware....we WILL survive this horror & build a better society. Thank-you.

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Superb. The coup for total control is far from over. I fear that orchestrated food and energy crises will be far more compelling than a pandemic you can only catch on TV.

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I loved this. But at the end, we need more concrete ways to resist. What do we do about the coming Programmable Digital Central Bank currency?

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Excellent! 👍

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When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can't help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup.

— Thomas Sowell

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