All part of the WEF Master Plan to create an underpopulated (CULLED) planet with injected 'Sub-Human SLAVES.

Another new word from the Elite's WEF New World Order dictionary - "Vaxxident". An adverse reaction or DEATH following the injection of Poison - supposedly in the name of medical health.

Another PLUS for Musk letting the world know that Fauci was only in it for the fortunes that he made along with the other unscrupulous pharmacists and the Health magnates.

Musk - I'm still 'watching this space'! - Good or Bad?

Most of what he's done seems to come under the 'GOOD' column, as far as I'm concerned, but he's got a few fingers in Covid & Vax pies, so I'm wary.

Why is he keeping McCullough, Wolf, Kirsch & Malone 'exiled'? He should justify this strange action for those he NEEDS to keep on his side.

His stance on the DEADLY injections (laughably called VACCINES) would be a big incentive to support or trash him.

LIABILITY for DEADLY Meds makers is ridiculous and he should assist in the fight for COMMON SENSE to apply instead of letting Pfizer (etc) use their 'stolen' concession as a Licence to KILL with impunity.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed, watching and waiting to see Musk's 'true colours'.

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I would do love to send this to my two older brothers who think their little sisters are in a cult. No surprise we no longer speak though, right?

Brothers - don’t say I didn’t warn you that they’re going to lock your dumb asses down AGAIN! Wake the fuck up big brothers before you get another shot that’s going to kill you.

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Terrible what this has done to families. I know of a few families that have adopted an "agree to disagree" policy, but I've heard about so many more that have permanently severed ties.

The evil is getting more and more blatant--and harder to deny. Even the most ardent narrative believer will soon be wondering if we "conspiracy theorists" (read: critical thinkers) are on to something.

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When I suggested just that to my brother before we became estranged he started yelling at me over the phone so loud that my husband could hear him.

Yes. The evil is out there. And James, I honestly believe that my brothers will never awaken to the lies. If they did, they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves. And I love them enough to not want that for them 😢

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Everyone seems excited about the fact that you can now say that there are only two biological sexes on Twitter without getting banned, but, not much in the real world has changed -- evil is on the march.

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