"Catastrophic Contagion" is Trending
Funny, the people seem a little skeptical that it's an "innocent preparedness exercise." I wonder why?
All right, so there was a simulation in Belgium for a global outbreak of a deadly enterovirus. What’s the big deal?
Oh. The meeting was being run by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins and the WHO?
And it was participated in by Rockefeller Foundation, Global Fund, World Bank, and COVAX?
Oh, it’s the same people that brought us Event 201?
I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t it kind of seem like the fate of everyone on the planet is being decided in council meetings by these people?
So, here we go again…
Yep, you did read that:
And the newer, deadlier Pandemic 2.0 is going to affect who? Children, of course.
Strangely, people are surprisingly adept at identifying two things which are exactly alike.
By the way, they’re calling this one SEERS.
You know what “seers” are right? People who predict future events.
Here’s the world’s most prescient creator predictor of world events, creepily smirking while he predicts a world event. Which, somehow, he knows will “get our attention this time”:
Apropos of nothing, here is Seer Bill mimicking one of his favorite historical figures:
But the nice thing about social media is the crowdsourcing. Other people are also working on some alternate pandemic prevention strategies:
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it up to the back of my eyeball sockets with these Small Council meetings.
Maybe it’s time some different people decided the fate of the world.
All part of the WEF Master Plan to create an underpopulated (CULLED) planet with injected 'Sub-Human SLAVES.
Another new word from the Elite's WEF New World Order dictionary - "Vaxxident". An adverse reaction or DEATH following the injection of Poison - supposedly in the name of medical health.
Another PLUS for Musk letting the world know that Fauci was only in it for the fortunes that he made along with the other unscrupulous pharmacists and the Health magnates.
Musk - I'm still 'watching this space'! - Good or Bad?
Most of what he's done seems to come under the 'GOOD' column, as far as I'm concerned, but he's got a few fingers in Covid & Vax pies, so I'm wary.
Why is he keeping McCullough, Wolf, Kirsch & Malone 'exiled'? He should justify this strange action for those he NEEDS to keep on his side.
His stance on the DEADLY injections (laughably called VACCINES) would be a big incentive to support or trash him.
LIABILITY for DEADLY Meds makers is ridiculous and he should assist in the fight for COMMON SENSE to apply instead of letting Pfizer (etc) use their 'stolen' concession as a Licence to KILL with impunity.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed, watching and waiting to see Musk's 'true colours'.
I would do love to send this to my two older brothers who think their little sisters are in a cult. No surprise we no longer speak though, right?
Brothers - don’t say I didn’t warn you that they’re going to lock your dumb asses down AGAIN! Wake the fuck up big brothers before you get another shot that’s going to kill you.