Aug 13, 2022Liked by James Edward Taylor


I thought it was clear in your original post. It also is clear here. Great job.

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I Agree.

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by James Edward Taylor

Loved original post....shared it on GETTR...... always food for thought, your substack......I share and share, far and wide.....hoping it will change some minds and hearts..... 💕

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Thank you Stella, as always, for your readership and kind words🙏

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Again James - Amen.

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"wrong and destructive. They are extremely dangerous," - but what is the litmus test for wrong? It's easy with kittens ... Nawww but what about abortion? Religion etc.

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Right, hence the thousands of years of arguing about ethics. Go read that and get back to me with the answer 😂

In all seriousness though, I think, for the most part, you and I know right from wrong in our lives, but we have a great deal of difficulty articulating it. In philosophy, we run up against the inadequacy of language all the damn time. Hence all the writing and conversing that needs to be done. (Which I suppose is good, otherwise what would I do with my days?)

But I think we all know that the WEF/globalist elites/great resetter plans for our lives are nothing good, right?

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Let me play devil's advocate and say no. Let's suppose that Gates et al. are doing the right thing. They are going to return the biosphere of the planet back into a sustainable one. They are going to curtail a few freedoms and the track and trace is simply necessay to restore balance to the planet's ecosystem. The result will be of benefit to humans and the biosphere.

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"Devil's advocate" is a giveaway that you're taking a position for something you know to be wrong, lol.

But I'll play along: if I were being asked for evidence that their vision is wrong I would simply point to the worldwide police state that you and I have been living in for 2.5 years. Has resulted in more safety and thriving and utopian conditions for humans? Or has it resulted in worldwide chaos, sickness and death, and mass poverty?

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Well... "they" might say that that is acceptable in order to achieve a better long-term outcome. Or they might disagree with you and say that the economy and stock market have never been stronger. It all depends on how you measure success. Trouble is your approach is open to interpretation and manipulation of perception. Mass vaccination is a bad thing... to us but the majority were fully behind it.

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Yeah, everyone will have their own spin and agenda, of course. Which is why, in matters of truth, we need to stop blindly trusting "them" and learn to think for ourselves.

Hmm, somebody should made a blog title out of that...🤔

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Couldn't agree more with that James. What is this compulsion with being lead? We all have our own spin on truth. The individual takes precedence to the mob.

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Hitler was not voted in by a popular majority. He'd been in politics for many years before the fateful election which effectively ended the existence of Weimar Germany as a political entity. The highest percentage of votes he ever got was about 39%, but his popularity was actually declining by the time of that last election. The NSDAP (Nazi) party received only about 33% of the vote. (Weimar Germany had a parliamentary system, with many competing political parties.)

Nor did Hitler immediately become Chancellor after that final election. The only reason he did is that powerful elites put a lot of pressure on Hindenberg, the elderly president, to appoint Hitler to the chancellorship. They thought they could use him for their own purposes, and intended to replace him with someone more to their liking within a short period of time.

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Author

Thanks for the clarification, Truthbird.

I think the point remains though, millions were swept up in Nazi ideology (including many American intellectuals at the time) believing that it was a GOOD thing.

Which, hopefully we can all agree, resulted in some very BAD outcomes, (i.e., they were wrong.)

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