Great list James!

One to add: did you know about the clots embalmers started finding after the shots rolled out? Did you know they are also being found in the living?


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Yep. Horrifying.

Maybe that would be more persuasive to some people. Forget data and studies--there's a horror film and it's going on inside your body.

(Added your link to the Further Reading section, thanks Laura!)

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Thank you James.

I carry a vial of the clots in my purse. I show them whenever the opportunity arises.

They may not believe what they are seeing, but they sure won’t forget seeing them.

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Oh, how I would love to read an essay about your experience carrying around and showing those clots!

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Yeah, or a video segment so we can see the stunned, horrified facial reactions!

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Here you go:

"Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate'" C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)

joesansone, posted September 3, 2023


Video description: "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost shockingly tells audience that he does not have the authority to investigate the deaths and injuries as a result of the C19 'vaccine' (bioweapon). Patriot Laura Kasner confronts him with a white fibrous blood clot in a jar and asks how many have to die and get injured before he will investigate. His answer ended up quoting his mom that two wrongs do not make a right..."


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at a Republican Party meeting in Strongsville, Ohio on August 16, 2023. From the between the backs of the heads and shoulders of two audience members, we see Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost at the podium. Laura Kasner stands before him, however we only see her arm and hand, and then, as she reads from her prepared speech, her back. When she finishes reading, we see her return to her seat, and then she remains off camera.

LAURA KASNER: [During a meeting of the Ohio Embalmers Association held in Columbus][1] in October of 2022 almost all of the 200, I'm sorry, 100 embalmers present at that meeting said they were seeing unusual white fibrous clots in the veins and arteries of the bodies they embalmed. These clots were not seen until shortly after the covid shots rolled out in January of 2021.[2] Here is a vial of these clots. [She holds up the vial] It'll creep you out so I won't ask you to hold them.



LAURA KASNER: Life insurance actuaries are reporting that many more people are dying, still than in the years before the pandemic. And while deaths during covid-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime of life people hard. Deaths among young Americans documented in employee life insurance claims should alone set off alarms. Among working people 35 to 44 years old a stunning 34 percent more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above average rates in other working age groups, too. Attorney General Yost, the covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule. My question for you is this. How many more Ohioans, how many more of our children and young adults will die before your office conducts an investigation?



ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: And I get questions about investigations every day. Earlier today I got a letter from a group called SNAP[3] wanting me to conduct a state-wide investigation, as has been done in other states, about the Catholic Church and its coverup of past sexual abuse by priests. And the answer to your question ma'am is, I don't have the authority to do either of those investigations. And so I, I don't have any information about the vial that you are holding except I can agree by the evidence of my eyes that it is disgusting and I don't want to hold it.

But, folks, I can't just go out and open an investigation on something. I have to have first of all legal authority, and then secondly, I've got to have a predicate. I wish that there were some people in, oh, I don't know, Washington DC, that recognize the limits of their authority. But my mom told me a long time ago that two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not going to violate my office, oath of office, by doing something I don't have the authority to do.


ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Thank you for your question.

LAURA KASNER: People died. I mean, millions, millions of people died. [inaudible]

ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Folks, we should have said this earlier this evening—



# # #


Attorney General Dave Yost https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/About-AG/Contact

[1] Missing first part of statement supplied by Laura Kasner in blog comment


[2] See also discussion of the Worldwide Embalmer Clot Survey in this recent interview by Dr. Joseph Sansone with Laura Kasner and Thomas Haviland:


And see testimony by Canadian embalmer Laura Jeffery before Canada's National Citizens' Inquiry

To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide -

March 31, 2023


Also (same video)

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI

April 1, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/79912.html

And see Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022


Transcript of a brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34602.html

[3] AG Yost refers to Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

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Thank you for asking good questions, consolidating the research and providing links! Excellent work! I am not vaxxed at all, and never was on the fence about it, but everyone should be aware of these findings. Unfortunately, those who need this information the most will never encounter it since they 'stay informed' by CNN and the like.

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Well that post is as comprehensive as anyone could have hoped. Well done! I have long given up on trying to expose the ConVid fraud to anyone. As a result I have mended my fractured relationships and now listen patiently to their litany of random illnesses as they look forward to the next jab.

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It's like trying to reason with a cult member.

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Yeah, if hopelessly indoctrinated, there's probably not much point.

But a straddler might still be able to fire a synapse. Maybe.

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I’ve always assumed these poisonous mRNA jab formulas had an impact on Life Expectancy. Those who thought they’d sidestepped the frequent DEADLY injection’s Adverse Reactions. My assumption is that each extra jab reduces Life Expectancy exponentially. without any medical expertise, I’d assumed it to be around 3 years less life expectancy per shot. But it might be far more serious?

We know they have many mechanisms and plans to poison us all with mRNA (SV40 = Cancer, etc,) but we're ready for the next weave of Scamdemic they have planned.

Yes, the 'New World Order' Establishment has many cunning methods of 'poisoning us all. aerosols, delivered in many environments within A/C or DRONE, injected into foods, food coatings, cultivated within contaminated soils, in our drinking water, via insects contaminated with mRNA, perhaps even installed in our atmosphere via clouds 'dusting', or even via close contact with pre-jabbed mRNA 'carriers' via 'Shedding'!

These 'prescribed' poisons are now being deliberately 'loaded' (with SV40 CANCER) into Pfizer's and Moderna's deadly injections! It's so obvious they want to reduce the world's population.

Make LIABILITY a condition for ALL Medicines, particularly injectables, and then Pfizer, etc, will have to find an alternative form of employment!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoid corrupt medics with Pfizer and Moderna-loaded syringes!

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Wow, there's a LOT of info on this post.

As a newcomer to your page, I am troubled by certain things, such as citing PubMed, and Peter McCullough, and all this assumption of mRNA in shots, when there's no PROOF of this that I've ever seen, and even no proof that DNA or RNA is even real...

Yes, I question EVERYTHING these days.

No, I've not had any kind of vaccines, in like, 40 years. We agree entirely on one thing: Vaccines are BAD; Don't get any.

There's enough toxins in those jabs (and there's no reason to think ALL jabs are the SAME), that ideas like synthetic mRNA is causing problems when copious amounts of aluminum, mercury, graphene oxide (which is probably what is causing the CLOTS, the heart damage/heart attacks, etc, and which "assembles" when exposed to 5G, which is pretty much unavoidable nowadays)...

Well, we'll find out eventually, I suppose. But in the Bigger Picture, stepping waaaay back: Yes, there is a global genocide going on. There is a Tyranny like we've never seen, poised to be lowered onto our heads. There is a push to AGAIN set us at each other in a global WAR, so we will kill each other. Disruption, of food, of energy, of DECENCY... These jabs STERILIZE people, too. This is a LONG-TERM thing, and it's not JUST about medicine. It's about EVERYTHING, as far as I can see. It's about WIPING HUMANITY FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

Why don't we all know these things? Simple: Censorship, Propaganda, and concerted efforts of the creation of FEAR and DIVIDE & CONQUER.

I'm a bottom-line kinda dog. And this is what I say: THEY WILL FAIL. But the longer it takes enough of us to figure out what's going on, and to refuse to comply, and to actively RESIST, the more people will die, and the more people will be sterile.

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Great comprehensive list. Tried pre- and post roll out to convince fam & friends to at least first wait & see, but the fear that had been sown was hard to overcome. And continues to be. This is what we are up against! https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1873165819246723179

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This is excellent!!! Thank you.

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Thank you James. Brilliant summary.

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Wondering just exactly how the farmer rescued this cow?

How exactly to you rescue a person in the same position?

And if you succeed, which side of the fence will they be on?

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All good questions.😆

I think if you are successful there will be a moment of revelation where they realize they ARE a person. Not a cow.

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Dunno - the herd mentality can be powerfully persuasive regardless.

Mass indoctrination via "educational institutions" and the MSM, programs people to conform to the herd mentality - to all basically think, speak and act the same.

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Yep. Hence the banner title (and the goal) of this Substack.

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Excellent list of questions and sources.

Though I suggest a good question would be, Did You know that no One has proven viruses or contagion to this very day?

The methodology used to "prove" a virus does not hold solid as proof. And no experiment has ever shown much in any correlation with Human proximity except where toxins are concerned.

I hope lots of People consider this list!

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An excellent question!

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🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻

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Excellent compilation of information that should persuade. Those I know who would benefit, sadly, most likely wouldn't read it, if I sent it along. Sigh.

Still. Nice to have so much info in one spot. Bookmarked.

Thanks, James. Best.

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James thanks for this list and I would love to know where you got your numbers for the 16.9 million deaths? I have not heard that one yet.

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From the work of Denis Rancourt and his team. There's a summary here: https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/309-million-and-counting

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