36 Questions For an mRNA Shot Straddler (*Updated Feb 26/25)
Did-You-Know Questions for someone on the fence about getting more injections.
Remarkably, despite overwhelming evidence of harm, I still encounter the odd person expressing enthusiasm for getting their next mRNA injection. It’s like they’re waiting for a Toblerone bar in their Christmas stocking.
I used to think such an enthusiast was reachable.
I no longer believe so.
They will not be susceptible to any new information that makes them question their sacrament, even if that information is offered in the spirit of saving their lives.
A true believer would rather go to their grave than be wrong.
But I also encounter quite a few straddlers—those who are not particularly invested in a tribal-identity belief regarding their vax status but simply took an injection, or even a booster or two, because they wanted to fly somewhere on vacation, or see a concert, or because their employer said so, and they heard it was “Safe and Effective”, so what’s the harm?
These people, I believe, may be reachable with some strategic Did-You-Know questions.
Did-You-Know questions are respectful—you’re not insulting anyone’s intelligence by telling them they’re wrong, or telling them what to believe. Instead, you’re appealing to their intelligence by offering them something to consider on their own.
The point, as always, is not to convince anyone of anything. It’s to get them thinking for themselves.
If you know a straddler, here’s a few questions that maybe, just maybe, might spark a synapse or two:
30 Did-You-Know Questions for a Shot Straddler:
Did you know that the shot recipients demonstrate a 37% loss of life expectancy over non-recipients?
Did you know that each booster rollout is statistically correlated with a new wave of deaths?
3. Did you know that rats demonstrate autistic behavior after receiving COVID shots?
4. Did you know that Florida’s Surgeon General warned against anyone taking further shots owing to their terrible safety profile and negative efficacy (meaning shot recipients are MORE likely to exhibit COVID symptoms, not less)?
5. Did you know that, since the rollout of the shots, young people (of employable age) are dropping dead or becoming disabled at a higher rate than the general population?
6. Did you know that an examination of 99 million C19 vaccine records found alarming safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis”?
7. Did you know that there were six papers in April of this year connecting these shots with aggressive turbo cancer?
8. Did you know the former CDC director admitted the agency hid known side effects of the shots to public?
9. Did you know that five state Attorney Generals are suing Pfizer right now for fraudulently lying about the safety of their products and intentionally withholding information about the harms of its product? (Curiously, not Moderna though.)
Did you know that there were an estimated 16.9 million COVID-19-vaccine-associated deaths up to December 30, 2022?
Did you know that the injections do nothing to reduce severe illness?
Did you know that this study of 1.7 million children showed heart damage only in C19-injected kids?
Did you know that a recent analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database showed an alarming risk of mRNA vax-induced myocarditis, especially in young men?
Were you aware of the recent study that showed that the C19 injection does not protect you from “long covid” symptoms?
Did you know about a recent study that revealed a 1236% surge in excess cardiac arrest deaths amongst C19 injection recipients?
Did you know that a study of mortality in Germany showed “a significant positive correlation between the increase of excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccinations”?
Did you know that Pfizer’s own analyses showed that they knew exactly the extent of the injuries that were going to occur?
Did you know that repeated boosters weaken immunity, especially for older adults?
Did you know that heart attacks in young Americans have surged by 66% since the shot rollouts?
Did you know that Japanese researchers have linked the mRNA shots with 201 diseases and are now "affecting every possible aspect of human pathology"?
21. Did you know that DMED, the health database for military personnel, showed an 1100% increase in all cause morbidity and mortality in 2021, after the shots were mandated?
22. Did you know that researchers have confirmed that there is no convincing evidence that the mRNA shots reduce transmission to others, and have called on public figures to stop exaggerating the drug’s benefits?
23. Did you know that the only reason these mRNA shots are allowed to be advertised as “safe” is because they fall under special exemptions to laws which forbid all other drugs to be characterized in this way? (i.e., drugs, from a legal standpoint, are always understood to have risks and side effects… except this one.)
Did you know that a Spanish team of researchers studied 949 heart attack victims from a single hospital and found that 84% of them had received either a Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shot?
Did you know that researchers studying 31 European countries showed a positive correlation between vaccination levels and excess mortality?
Did you know that following following the “mass COVID-19 vaccination” campaign in Iran, there was a 156% increase in hospitalizations for COVID?
Did you know that pregnant women who receive the shot have significantly higher rates of miscarriages?
Did you know that some government officials around the world are calling for the outright suspension of C19 mRNA shots?
Did you know that kidney failure deaths are surging amongst the mRNA jabbed?
Did you know that 3% of C19 jab recipients die?
Bonus Questions:
Did you know that researchers have discovered 55 undisclosed chemical elements, including 11 heavy metals, in the shots?
32. Did you know that cancer mortality has doubled in young people from pre-2020 levels and Pfizer’s 2022 safety report on the COVID-vaccines revealed thousands of cancers of hundreds of types following the injections?
Did you know Japanese researchers have linked mRNA shots to increased heart attacks and cardiac deaths?
34. Did you know that a group of leading cardiologists in New Zealand discovered that the spike protein generated by Covid mRNA injections is responsible for unprecedented spikes in heart failure, sudden deaths, and other deadly diseases?
Did you know that researchers have confirmed the presence of synthetic DNA in the mRNA shots which integrates into natural human DNA, and self-replicates (potentially altering the human genome forever)?
Did you know that the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons just published this list of the dangers of the mRNA jabs and called for an immediate moratorium on the shots?
PS. This is not a comprehensive list, of course. My inbox is filled with dozens of these links every day, linking to thousands of studies indicating harm (and about officials proceeding with the “Safe and Effective” mantra, despite knowing these risks). Without a doubt, these are the most dangerous products ever to be distributed to an unsuspecting public. But perhaps, to a straddler, you won’t need thousands of studies. Just a few questions to, maybe, get them to think twice.
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Great list James!
One to add: did you know about the clots embalmers started finding after the shots rolled out? Did you know they are also being found in the living?
Thank you for asking good questions, consolidating the research and providing links! Excellent work! I am not vaxxed at all, and never was on the fence about it, but everyone should be aware of these findings. Unfortunately, those who need this information the most will never encounter it since they 'stay informed' by CNN and the like.