This is a fantastic piece. Very much appreciated. Free speech is not for sale in America - especially to the nearest high bidder with an agenda. Would be free speech marauder - the Musketeer - is the CEO of iPads on wheels and the SpaceX arm of USA inc. We are being so played and the TikTok generation is the most played of all. They have always been after the children.

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I don't think I expected Elon to save us...I never used Twitter...I may start now though. I do feel at least one step closer to having the noose around the first amendment loosened...it's now up to us to get the damn thing out of the noose and administer life saving support!

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I bet the world was always this way. We just didn't know how bad it was until we were able to sit at home and read the thoughts of others online. Before that, the only time we really heard how "crazy" people were (and it was never we who were crazy) was at Thanksgiving dinner when you had to listen to uncle Randy's conspiracy theories. The only news we got was controlled (ABC, CBS, NBC...UGH). We're now cyborgs trying to bring the world into focus with newly opened digital eyes, which seem to be focused mostly on each others' pathologies.

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Excellent observation, RL.

Much like the telescope upset our view of the heavens, since we could now see its chaos and imperfections, and the microscope makes visible a alien world of micro-organisms, so too with the online world: we can now see a range of minds that were not visible to us before, and we are both enlightened and profoundly disturbed.

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Beware! It's suggested that Musk owns a Covid Vax testing equipment company that makes Covid Test analytical equipment!

All that glitters might not be gold?

Video of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (& Gates's World Health Organisation) intentions to dominate the planet with us being their SLAVES as explained by the megalomanic and self-declared despot leader of the WEF.

'ADOLF' Schwab makes no secret by stating publicly "They (the public) will own nothing, but they will be happy" and "Let them eat bugs".

We've seen most of it before, but maybe not in one damning clip.


Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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Thinking for myself there is no evidence of Long Covid as there is no such thing as covid and symptoms of sickness are in fact the healing https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid

McCollough and Malone back on twitter but not me! I wonder why?



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Thinking for myself there is no evidence of Long Covid as there is no such thing as covid and symptoms of sickness are in fact the healing https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid

McCollough and Malone back on twitter but not me! I wonder why?



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Thank you James.

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