Well said, James, and completely agree. (Thanks for shout-out.)

That memory hole thing, has been disconcerting to witness. I suspect some kind of tech (combined with simple fear) explains it.

Still as you note, it's really futile in the end. They can not put their grubby hands around the planet, and it's already outside their control. New world emerging right alongside the old, coming down.

Yes lets laugh at them and tell them to fully fuck off.

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Thanks, Kathleen. I love your take on our emerging worlds. We could despair, or we could get curious and creative. I vote the latter.

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Me too!

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Yay, I loved James posting that excellent quote of yours! And, as you probably both know by now, I posted an episode on Corbett and the history of WWII last night, which they definitely don't want us to scrutinize! https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/corbett-unz-and-wwii-the-unnecessary.

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❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Yes, I enjoyed your latest, with lots of new info for me. Appreciate it and your generous comment. Thank you, Tereza.

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How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . .

“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.


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Very interesting! Thanks for posting this. Orwell never would have guessed how easy it would be to shove things down the memory hole in the internet age.

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How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . .

“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.


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The Streisand Effect comes to mind.

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I think you're dead on as to why they took down Corbett's talk. Good observation!

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So true, all of it. I watched this TedTalk when James commented that it was scrubbed from their website...how futile the elite's behaviour really is.....laughable certainly! Of course, I wish more people saw through the "obvious to us" scams....we are getting there, but it's no way near a majority..even 40% would be nice. Many of us here have been doing the diligent deep dives, and keeping our eyes and ears open, but I continue to be baffled by the cognitive dissonance in many. Is it only fear that is blinding them.?...fear of losing friends and family, fear of death, fear of losing their false identities.....I say: get rid of the TV and radio...by far, the most dangerous objects in your spaces. No TV now going on for 30 years....have never missed it! No radio either....like you said, we are privy to all the knowledge we want, if we know where to look for it. And share with those who are open to receiving it.

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If we were to reach 40%, we'd be well past the tipping point. That's why each and every one of us needs to speak out at every opportunity and via every venue possible. We are in an information war. Speaking up is how we win. Good points you make.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 15 – Ruthless Suppression

❝The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. Among the members of these lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police, since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police are in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents.❞


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The more they resist, the more we persist. :)

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Works in reverse too :)

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"That which is censored is the truth." - Dollyboy

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In addition, removing James Corbett’s talk removes the chance of a listener thinking, “Hmm… that was interesting. I wonder who this guy is?”, doing a little searching for themselves and finding all of the other research, podcasts, etc that he has done on some pretty stunning and controversial issues.

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Yes, that is a door they do not want people opening. A lot of their skeletons lie there.

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Pfizer did their 'in-house' Safety trials for PREGNANT WOMEN to accept their DEADLY INJECTIONS called vaccines! They used 8 (yes EIGHT) mice to prove their poison was 'safe' for pregnant women!

My assumption is that the jab causes infertility (or DEATH) to assist in depopulating the planet.

The CDC's 'V-Safe' Vax Safety, Injury and Vax-related DEATHS recording system was introduced less than a year ago. But has now disappeared without a trace. It's deemed too frightening to continue. CDC has suddenly pulled it without warning or explanation because it will increase Vax hesitancy!!

One way or another you will be injected (= TERMINATED), whether you agree or not!

It's called De-population and is necessary to satisfy the WEF 's 'Elite' crank's New World Order) that believe those who survive their "VACCINES" will become their slaves!

Can anyone explain the mysterious cessation of the relatively NEW SAFETY REPORTING SYSTEM 'V-SAFE' with no explanation = Yet another serious warning of the (not so 'hidden') DANGERS of the Experimental injections they call "Covid Vaccine"!

Instead, they could just have renamed V-SAFE as V-DEADLY!

They don't want the public to see how rampant POST-VAX INJURIES AND POST VAX DEATHS really are!

No LIABILITY for the manufacturers has no logical or fair reasoning to be required within the manufacturer's CONTRACTS - but that's the deal - take it or leave it!

Ineffective and Unsafe - It really doesn't matter if there's NO LIABILITY! No impact on Pfizer & other manufacturers of unsafe crap!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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The reason we can find Operation Northwoods on the internet is that it isn't what it seems. If it really were what it seems to be ... we wouldn't be finding it.

Operation Northwoods: false-flag proposal or a case of Who's on First?


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I hadn't thought of it as propagandistic misdirection, but now that you point it out, it seems obvious. Well investigated and good points!

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Thank you James, for a great article. The laughter part so hit home and thank you for the link.

Laughter is even mightier than the word and sword combined.

All the best!

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Educate yourself, it is never too late to start. Do not depend on others to do it for you. The mind is like a muscle, unless you use it, it atrophies and you become…..a sheep.

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Yeah, man, the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns are getting bold, and they're super-sloppy! They're pushing out "Covid II" now. What a mockery! They should be laughed off the stages that they built for themselves. And let's demolish their magic lighting rigs, while we're at it.

Also, the Covid worshipers AND "civilian police" ought to feel embarrassed as SHIT for buying front row tickets to the scamdemic show the first time. Is there a surge in courage? I would love to see people en masse going bare-faced into public accommodations if the mask BS comes back.

I will feel so eternally blessed if I get to witness this demonic dog-and-pony show go down, all the way and for good, in this lifetime, 'cause I am not coming back again to a Paradise-turned-Prison!

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The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .

“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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James nails it very well .In a nutshell ,what one wants to censure will often bring attention to it , it backfires .

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Thanks James. I talk about disruptive technology in a class I teach. This is perfect to share with my students.

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Wonderful, Bill!

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