The US does seem to be the most extreme case of the madness for some reason, I wonder if this is because everything is so politicized, polarized there, which makes it possible that 50% of the people will support anything just to spite the other side?

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It's true, US politics has people downright deranged, and I think even the most myopic normies can now see that the politicization has spread throughout its federal agencies, too. But then you add in all the international and corporate power and money and personnel that seems to flow through these agencies, and I think there's no other conclusion than that they've been captured. Some countries, at least, have the sense not to play along.

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I could be thrown in jail here for a traffic offense or even voicing my opinion at a school board or city meeting in a flash—but numbnuts in a Boston lab can create a new virus monster that kills 80% of humanized mice. Created for Pfizer? What could go wrong.

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Yup. My country is bleeping nuts on these things. Never stop to think you need 4 or 5 jabs in a year and a half of something that will not protect them or me (transmission). Brain dead. I’m ashamed of this place.

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...that you have an almost 100% chance of surviving. 👀

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Be very careful when they launch Safety data as it's highly likely to be created by those that have more interest in profits than 'LIABILITY' which they denounce as inconvenient. What other products have no warranty? Particularly when the current injections create numerous ('Vax') Injuries & DEATHS following the poisonous 'Vax'. Now in the millions! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Yep, not sure how it works in the UK, but I still have people tell me that the FDA does it's own "testing" before it approves drugs. 🤦‍♂️


From the FDA's own website (https://www.fda.gov/drugs/development-approval-process-drugs):

"The center *doesn't actually test drugs itself*, although it does conduct limited research in the areas of drug quality, safety, and effectiveness standards. Before a drug can be tested in people, the *drug company or sponsor* performs laboratory and animal tests to discover how the drug works and whether it's likely to be safe and work well in humans..." (emphasis mine)

In other words, they take the pharma company's research and sponsorship money and rubber stamp it. This is supposed to keep us "safe". 😂

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It's a ridiculous and DEADLY FARCE! Designed to make money and to apply any whim a wealthy CRANK of a Sponsor wishes to add to their 'medicines'? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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There's an update to the Taiwan News article you referenced. It says "Update 2021/11/30, 09:15 a.m.

Taiwan approves 2nd-dose BioNTech vaccinations for ages 12-17," I only looked at that article because I used to work for Taiwan News. Is it possible all of these countries later approved the vaccines? Might want to double check. I have no idea why anyone would give one of these to a kid, but what do I know?

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