What a beautiful, thoughtful and balanced post reflecting your l time of unplugging. I really appreciated this and will re-read. I so relate.

And thanks for the shout out too! Best.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

I love this reconnecting with what is tangible and real.

I also get sad reading this sort of thing. Because, due to decades of bad medical and public health advice, although such advice followed established Guidelines, my spouse is physically unable to participate in this sort of activity. They would utterly LOVE doing so. But this freedom has been wrenched away and is unlikely, barring divine miracle, to be returned.

It’s truly sorrowful watching others enjoy this rich connection with life, nature, hard physical labor, and to feel left on the outside through no fault of our own.

One cannot help wondering if making as many people as weak and debilitated as possible isn’t part of their plan of subjugation. The decades, yes, now a century of conventional medical disregard for true health and wellness has created generations now of sicker people than what lived before.

We each must do whatever we can do, trusting God for what we cannot.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

"Lesson, and heed it well, friends: It is not enough to create a perfect little Shire in a peaceful corner of the world and hope for the best."

Having done just that (VisitHigherGround.com) I will say that it was worth the time and effort. You will read our reviews that point to the joy and reset people experience after just a few days at 'a perfect little Shire.' I see the inspired faces leaving with talk about the importance of beauty in our lives even during collapse...maybe esp. because of collapse.

But you are correct, even this is not enough. We need a community... no matter how small, of people of like minds...so came the very hard decision to sell it with hopes that our new neighbors will help build the homestead we have started but can't continue on the level we need to on our own.

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Great post James! Liberty or death. The best we can do is put up a fight and if ultimately we are killed then they will have our death but never our compliance. I am grateful that some of us can still see. I am living a dual life - one of luxury and idleness when house sitting and then one of hardship when I have no home. I have no money or assts and therefore will likely never have a place to call home for myself. I am deeply envious of people that have land to work and a home of their own. But like you say - I accept reality for what it is.

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I agree with your assessment. They see all alternative sources of human independence as an existential threat. There is no escaping this.

Let’s suppose that their bioweapon was even more successful in reducing human population. That would have reduced the population of those who went along, and tipped the ratio in favor of the recalcitrant, making this group a critical mass that could determine the future. Does anyone believe they would allow the recalcitrant to rise to a real threat to them? They look for emerging threats beyond the visible horizon. Humanity is their enemy; recalcitrant humans pose a real threat which they will not allow to emerge.

They are at war with all of us, regardless if we understand this or not. Because there are few of them and many of us they must wage war against us in stages, preventing of an emergence of a critical mass of awakened humanity. That is why they must wage a war on our minds during all stages of their war against us. We may delay the inevitable by rebuilding our own food independence, but eventually there will be so few of us left that they can unleash their robotic/drone army against us and finish us off.

One of their aims is to Balkanize us into endless number of bickering groups, preventing a rise of any unified resistance. So far, they’ve been winning the information war. If we continue losing, it will spell the end of us. There is no alternative to winning. How do win a war about which a vast majority is utterly unaware they are waging against us?

There is no escaping this war. They intend to come after us sooner or later. There is only one way to prevent our demise - we must defeat them while the numbers are in our favor. There is a window of opportunity which is rapidly narrowing.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

You hit it with this post. All the things I know to be true and right. I have been reading Little House to my grandkids and told Hubs that if we ever need a refresher on how to live without depending upon tech, it would be from these books. Our gripe is the amount of water wasted growing hay to feed cows to be sent to market or not. Wasting all these resources not growing food, but growing food for something that will be turned into 'food'. Mankind has strayed so far from the original form that it is a deliberate malformation taking place. People don't get that. The local phone company got a loan for MILLIONS of dollars to lay fiber-optic cable to just 27 houses in the super rural area that we live in! I am aghast. How did I win this lottery and get so unlucky? I don't want that shit and I just want to be left alone. Just like the TV show, Alone. It is a good one to watch and learn from as well. I wonder if they might think my neck of the woods could be a problem? And...they are doing away with my landline. I told Hubs that IF THE POWER GOES OUT THERE WILL BE NO PHONE without the landline. They want us tied to our devices. I can't wait to get rid of mine. Resist. Best to you JET.♥

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Great post, thank you ! Like you, I believe they won't let us be. At least they will try. But awakening, this great gift that we must accept with humility and responsibility, has another quality: it's a one way process. Once awakened, there's no going back. You can function inside the matrix, but you know it's ultimately fake, you stop feeding your energy into the illusion and that is the first step to freedom. And as things get worse, there will only be more and more of us...

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

Realistic with a dash of encouragement. Very well put.

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

What an incredible post. I’m so with you, but I’ve scared and angered myself into paralysis—I literally can’t decide what to do day-to-day to improve the situation for my family and community. I’m in prayer right now in hopes that God will help me find my purpose and focus. I have many talents to share, but I need direction. Wish I could meet you for an hour someday!

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

So true! Never farmed until I married a farmer. That was a crash course in the suppression of farmers (anything but free entrepreneurs) and also showed me the beauty of growing food that the earth provides nutrients for, indeed the one-ness with nature and self-sufficiency you describe. It taught me that farming is at the heart of survival. Not these bullshit jobbers. It is intoxicating because it spells ‘freedom’. Which indeed is precisely why they want it culled. Thanks for putting this to paper so well James. P.s. when i went to live on the farm and did the books, i figured you’d calculate all your costs, depreciation, labour, roi etc. and then come up with a price at which to sell your product. Which is how other businesses calculate price, right? Dead wrong I was. Could only sell to the wheat board who decided what to pay for it, whereas all your suppliers calculated at cost plus. So one was left with a 25% shortfall at the end of the year. Well, needless to say that taught me in no time about the control of the food chain, and the need to stock up and plan for survival. Those farming years were eye opening! They have never closed since.

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James, I love your article and I would normally comment at length about your fabulous thinking and writing. But I'm RV traveling during July and August and it's not leisurely, by any means. Also, WiFi is limited and that's why I'm reaching out to you now. Who knows when I'll have stable WiFi again. And does it matter? I am of the same (or at least similar) thinking as you. Hands on, which is the way I am traveling. This is no picnic (until there is actually time for a picnic).


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Jul 15, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

I understand your point about the satisfaction of physical labor. I’m retired now but had an executive position during my career. I spent an afternoon recently cutting and burning wood. I have much more to do before I finish but it keeps me connected with “real” work and helps keep my aging muscles from completely atrophying. I intend to be prepared to do my part if it comes to a rising up against the increasing evil of this world. I pray God moves soon to destroy the enemy and his eager helpers. Or perhaps He plans to use us to fight the battle. We must be ready!

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Good read..... The Psychology of Psychopaths – Predators who Walk Among Us https://newagora.ca/the-psychology-of-psychopaths-predators-who-walk-among-us/

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