First of all, the very idea of a “movement” is an anathema to the idea of “thinking for yourself”.
I don’t want you to join my movement or cause or “side”.
I want you to think critically and reject anything which does not make sense to your own reasoning mind.
“Movements” are characterized by fawning followers who do not do their own thinking but instead defer their thinking to an adored leader-type. They are characterized by credentialism and deferring to someone else’s so-called “expertise”.
I don’t want that for you, or for me.
I don’t want any version of turning your own critical mind off and deferring to anyone else. That kind of thinking is what crotch-kicked us in 2020, and continues to kick us while we are down.
Question. Question everything and everybody.
Question the people you hate. Question the people you adore.
Nothing and no one gets a pass from the light of your reasoning mind.
Also “medical freedom”?
By now, you must realize that medicine is just the start, the initial leverage point, the first link of the leg iron that will end in your total enslavement.
This is a dying-shreds-of-freedom vs. have-humanity-build-its-own-prison-and-sell-it-to-them-as-a-super-spiffy-convenience scenario.
This is no longer just about medical freedom.
It’s about the attempted enslavement of the species, with digital IDs and programmable currencies and social credit scores and AI-driven thought police.
”Medical freedom?” A sneering tyrant with only an average level of intelligence will say: “Sure, have your medical freedom if you like. Of course, it means you will be surrendering your right to gather with whomever you want, or do business with whomever you want, or travel where you would like to go, or to access the rest of society. Oh, and we’ll have to monitor your every movement because clearly you are anti-social and a potential danger. But yes, sure, you can remain medically free. Have at it, comrade!”
This is not about “medical freedom”. This is about the rights you possess by virtue of being a human being alive on the earth, and the fact that there are a powerful class of oligarchs who have decided that you no longer possess those rights and already are well on their way to establishing a system which will eradicate them—a feudal caste-system, where you beg to them for your every need, and they decide whether you are worthy of receiving it, based on your “good citizen” or “bad citizen” behavior.
Reject their medical mandates, yes, but also reject any notion that they get to dictate the terms and parameters of your time on the planet to you, because THEY, by virtue of being wealthy, are somehow blessed with knowing what a good human is and how they should live and behave, and you do not.
Remember: we teach people how to treat us by what we comply with.
It is YOU who should be telling the oligarchs how to behave, not the other way around.
And boy oh boy, have they been behaving badly.
Agree. It's way too narrow, and we don't need a "movement", we need an acknowledgement of our innate rights which are under systemic attack. We don't need permission to be free, but we do need to claim it and refuse to comply with anything or anyone who attempts to encroach on them. It's about humans standing up. Thank you.
Just love the beginning that pulls you in and is just a 🎯. There's way too many "movements" co-opting the "mentally lazy, now not so sleepy" into just going along with the loudest version of the truth.
Siloing to "medical freedom" is buying time for the "keep you safe from climate change" and control everything that's coming hard.