Agree. It's way too narrow, and we don't need a "movement", we need an acknowledgement of our innate rights which are under systemic attack. We don't need permission to be free, but we do need to claim it and refuse to comply with anything or anyone who attempts to encroach on them. It's about humans standing up. Thank you.

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May 25, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

Just love the beginning that pulls you in and is just a 🎯. There's way too many "movements" co-opting the "mentally lazy, now not so sleepy" into just going along with the loudest version of the truth.

Siloing to "medical freedom" is buying time for the "keep you safe from climate change" and control everything that's coming hard.

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May 26, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

🎯🎯🎯Question the Question. Question your Own A Priori axioms if evidence is presented that disrupts those beliefs. That’s a true analytical mind. A courageous mind. Be wary of ideology and dogma. That said, have steadfast principles but the willingness to have those principles put to the test.

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May 25, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

V for Vendetta💯

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

What 'Freedom Movement' is that? I see only gatekeepers and controllers attempting to direct our thoughts with their narratives which are no more accurate or truthful than anything we see from WHO, WEF and the UN.

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May 26, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

Great article.

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May 26, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

“By now, you must realize that medicine is just the start, the initial leverage point, the first link of the leg iron that will end in your total enslavement.”

Some might opine that that particular honor goes to money.

The power of money and medicine have a common root: self-centeredness.

I wouldn’t argue that money and medicine are not useful tools, but rather that disproportionate elevation of them gives them undue power over the lives who so elevate them.

Many people might know people whose lives revolve around, and are controlled in a very particular manner, by doctors. I had family members who were unfortunate victims like that. All the pleasure was sucked out of their lives, and the doctors eventually killed them anyway. What they did out of fear of death was their undoing. They may or may not have lasted any longer otherwise, but their focus on others instead of themselves would have been of benefit to those they were destined to leave behind anyway, and might have filled the void that drove them to doctors in the first place.

And we all know people whose shallow lives are consumed by the pursuit of money, to the exclusion of a deeper experience. In many respects they are attempting to fill the same void. Anyone fortunate enough to have, for whatever reason, found themselves without possessions knows that there is a sense in which your possessions can own you, if you let them. Gotta make the next car and mortgage payments...

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May 26, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

Who is the medical freedom movement?

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deletedMay 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor
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