Sep 18, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

Very thoughtful and helps me to move along the understanding curve that much better (I think!)

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Great piece, James! Very thought-provoking. I kept looking at that Tool logo and feeling uneasy, and then when you showed the mirror/inversion, I was like, "Yep, there it is."💉💉

So, being an artist myself, I have made "prescient art," or whatever.

Back in autumn 2016, my band at the time wanted to compose a concept album. I figured that there ought to be a spiritual component to the story, since, well, we are spiritual beings. So I set about writing a screenplay to serve as the basis of the eventual songs, which of course would tell the story in a musical way. I finished the first draft in early December 2016. Here is a brief synopsis (and I'd be happy to email you a PDF of my solid first draft):


Mankind and Earth are on the brink of a spiritual evolution that is being held back by dark forces that crashed through the firmament and are manipulating consciousness and pillaging the planet. Tired of their formerly "slow incrementalist" plan, they decide to ramp up their evil efforts by creating a fake epidemic during typical flu season involving a [fake] "virus" given the nickname "The Z." The contents of the injections are mostly lethal, or cause horrific debilitation, but takers believe they are in a rare group having "side" effects. In order to pull off this BS, the evildoers co-opt the works of good people in various occupations for inverted, perverted means. Via their media lapdogs, they set about trying to convince people everywhere to take a vaccination for supposed "protection" from the "virus." Behind the scenes, two people — a man and a woman — begin to realize what is going on, as they follow their instincts and receive synchronistic support. The man and woman persuade a former super-high-level henchman to switch sides and help with the mission of using the media's own technology to thwart the death campaign. Simultaneously, the man and woman use their own creative gifts and deep knowledge to destroy the demonic beast that is running the evil operation.


My current comprehension is that MOST artists who are NOT under the thumb of Hellyweird and its tentacles are merely tapping into the visions of dark occultists. I say MOST artists, because I think there are plenty of unsigned artists who will do *anything* to get signed. So, there are a lot of composers and musicians who have become either intentional or unintentional dark occultists.

If one sees, as I do, that Hollywood celebrities and all "people" in the limelight are there because they're *artificially elevated* into this demon-worshiping death-cult, then it follows that if an artist seeks to emulate one of those "celebrities," then they become channelers of the same demons, too. Then the vision of the dark occultists grows exponentially.

But when you, James, cut off your worship of "artists" like Neil Young, you stop feeding the beast.

As for my screenplay, I was not trying to make a "blockbuster film," but to write a meaningful and uplifting story about MANKIND PUSHING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT and bringing about the beautiful LIFE that I feel The Great Creator intended for us here on Earth. And our band's album would tell that story in glorious music.

Well, our band broke up in 2018, partly because I started talking more openly about some of these spiritual issues, but for other reasons as well. I mean, it was the lead-up to CovAin't, so relationships were ending abruptly, and people were disappearing like GHOSTS, EVERYWHERE, amirite?!

And, as for "artists" like Neil Young and all those who "made it" to the limelight, I think they are TOOLS! So there is an interesting connection, haha. Seriously, I think they are all products of MK-ULTRA since they are children of the government-military-industrial complex which created ALL the technological means for modern mind-control: Radio and its EMFs, followed by the black-screen box televisions and computers and internet and phones/tablets for projecting the vision of the death-cultists. Their black magic ball is a rectangle. Who'd have thought?!

I intend for mankind to prevail, and I think that you do, too.

So fuck Neil. Fuck Joni (a dude, by the way). Fuck Tool. Screw 'em all. They may have played the role of "rebel" for a while in our youth in order to appeal to our Natural Law nature, but I think they're paid actors, existing vapidly in the lap of luxury based on viewers' rapt attention and programmed willingness to denigrate our own creativity and place THEIR talent above ours.

We are living in an actor-based reality. And frankly, I am starting to think that they're all demonically possessed creatures appearing as human. Well, you know how I think about this 💩 tranny aspect, haha.


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My concern is NOT whether some writers have great talent to “peek into the future,” but whether or not some of these talented artists are actually working for the monsters who create these nightmares in the first place.

Since I was a child, I’ve also had strange abilities to foresee certain events and have always been a bit frightened by it. It’s why I began writing in the first place over thirty years ago, all unpublished. I’ve been hesitant to publish anything until about a year ago here on Substack, and for now only new short posts. Eventually, I’ll publish some of my sci-fi literature, but for now my concerns are for humanity, which keeps me preoccupied with current events and writing my War & Economics encyclopedia.

There’s a big difference between talented artists free-thinking and producing their art and those producing satanic messages intended to warn people of their own plans to commit horrific tragedies in advance—as the satanic Eugenicists have been doing for centuries—per their own satanic protocols or rules. The first book I plan to publish will cover this non-fiction topic in great detail. I’ll be focusing on both the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, plus a dozen others who own and control all banking, war profiteering (particularly FalseFlag Pandemics and the War on Terror all for profit) and most of the media they produce, and how they have an uncanny ability to tell humanity their terrible futures in cartoons, books, movies, news print & broadcast media. Like this one at the very top of the post, and the three hour audio of their Protocols further down mid-page among other important recordings: https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by James Edward Taylor

I am so glad to read this post and your thoughts on who’s or what’s at work behind the scenes of our collectively programmable consciousness. Naturally, the old adage “life imitating art” springs to mind. But it’s more than that, isn’t it.

The comment below urges me on to tell you a brief story of “inspiration” from “the other side” that we heard some decades ago.

An acquaintance of my husband’s told him about an experience he had when asked by the advertising agency he worked for to produce an artistic logo for the new bankcard that had just been developed (1970’s it was). He said that he was wracked with anxiety over this project and couldn’t figure out just what would be suitable. He thought to sleep on it. During his dreams that very night, he was “shown” exactly how to draw this logo and when he awoke, he drew it just like he was shown in his dream. He doesn’t know who showed him but he was shown by “something or someone” that he could not (or perhaps did not) articulate. When he showed the newly designed logo to the clients at the meeting they were excitedly enamoured of it. He’d done exactly what they wanted, though no one had said what they wanted previously, they had left it all up to him. And it looks like the PTB approved enthusiastically (wherever those “powers” were emanating from) because the card was developed with that particular logo (and I know because I worked for the same advertising agency at the time).

And the logo? A “b” inside a “b” inside a “b”. Simple! Well, since then, the so called “conspiracy theorists” have speculated on that logo and many commentators have suggested that it’s been consciously done to prove, in a subtle way, just where they are headed in their “financial planning” for the world and who they “worship”.

Does anyone here remember that first bankcard with its “3xb” logo? Do you know what it means? They do.

The elemental spirits are indeed at work, voraciously impregnating artists, singers, actors and governments with the ideas they often think are their own. Yes there is definitely predictive programming as you say, no doubt about that one. Also the fact that we are “spiritual beings having a human experience” means we are attuned, if we let ourselves, to an invisible world that is benevolent and also destructive. Best not to invite the latter imho.

I know the acquaintance of husband’s all those decades ago, knew he didn’t rightly come up with the concept of the logo - or did he? Lol! What do you think?

God said: “As I have purposed, so shall it come to pass.” The two hands of God are at work to bring about the plan of God - the ultimate Universal Salvation of ALL humankind (not the present day thoughts on universalism, blach!).

Not that He’s a monster, but as in the book of Job in the first chapter states, He and haSatan are on speaking terms. We’re just not fully privy to the whole conversation.

Despite these terrible woes, I believe that God is at the helm, we just may not like the way it’s all working out as evilly motivated people choose the dark side to bring about their own plans (ultimate destruction for them, corrective, not but eternal, despite endless sermons on such, God IS love). I’d rather live His dreams for us all, than be terrified of what mere evil mortal man can do to me.

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