My Favorite Election Memes
Now, let's see.... which boot goes on our neck? Choices, choices...
As you can probably gather, I don’t put much faith in elections as the solution to anything. Am I cynical? Far from it. I place great hope in focusing on our careers, families, neighbors, our spiritual connection, our mental and physical health, and building our communities. Most of our lives, in fact, are apolitical, and they are the better for it.
There are far more important things than this election nonsense to give our focus and energy to, which lead to actual change.
I wrote a line or two about it here:
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Excellent collection of memes!
The solution isn't voting! We need to educate the population. Ignorant people voting will just continue the same problems.
Love them all! The boot one reminded me of the Malcolm X quote:
"That's not a chip on my shoulder, that's your boot on my neck."