Yeah, it's such a stupid time.

At least there are ways to market it.

We must be close to breaking this house of mirrors, right?

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Very good, especially as "they" hate to be the object of satire... :-)

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Thank you for showing the herd mentality in such an amusing way.

I have a question that I have asked on numerous substacks but have yet to really hear an answer. Why does Bill Gates get to do all the atrocious things he does all over the world? Releasing billions of genetically modified mosquitos; hampering natural weather systems with spraying our skies to block out the sun? (nothing including us survives without the sun); buying up farmlands to control agriculture and seed production so everything is gmo; spraying even organically produced vegetables with a coating that is toxic; air or produce containing MRNA vaccines so we don't have a choice in whether we are vaccinated; and the list goes on and on. Why is nobody stopping him, he's clearly insane? All I can think is that the leaders of countries and organizations like the WEF, WHO, the United Nations, etc are all run by tree kickers.

Do you have a better explanation?

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Excellent question. The thing about evil is, since there is no reality at its foundation, it has to operate based on deception and delusion and evasion. It could be that Bill and others really are deluded enough to believe that they have a special genetic predisposition to be humanity's "caretakers" and see us as the "herd" that they have to cage, and enslave, and medicate, cull our population, etc--and so they are either unaware of their own evil or they justify it as being "for the greater good" or "making the world a better place", like we discussed in https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/god-save-us-from-the-utopians.

Then, not wanting to be left out, or culled, or be perceived to be un-virtuous, or to forgo the rewards that come with compliance, there is the class of fawning middle managers who do all the footwork of evil and spout its propaganda, or who "go along to get along", even though a part of them is screaming to stop. And part of any good propaganda campaign is painting any dissenters as lunatics and "dangerous", and soon everyone falls in line, heiling the leader, wearing outward signs of compliance like masks or armbands, or turning on their neighbors, or doing senseless performance rituals like kicking trees... out of fear of being cut out of the herd. And thus the fiction of the "wise and virtuous" leader (that everyone secretly knows is a maniac) gets perpetuated, and no one sticks their neck up to stop him.

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He's a frontman for Technocracy INC. as was his daddy. Elon Musk is the same although Elon appears to genuinely be a little rebellious now due to his son's tranny adventures. The sacrifices come thick and strong when you sell your soul to "Progress." https://www.tsubion.com/progress/

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Yeah, I'm sure there are deeper tendrils and that he is working at the behest of his family and their banking cartel connections, etc. But they could certainly do better for a frontman, like get someone who is actually charismatic on camera. Billy comes off as a nervous, nerdy serial killer.... which is probably not far off from the truth, lol.

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He certainly has that air about him now and he can't disguise it however hard he tries (pink sweaters and jelly wrists) but back in the day when he was a young buck nerd millions of other nerds looked up to him (and even wanted to be him or at least obtain his level of success and wealth). Steve Jobs may have been slightly more charismatic and would've led the field in chief nerd adoration had he not popped his clogs when he did but along came Ray Kurzweil to bring us the full unadulterated transhumanist cult evangelist message which still came across as kooky and way too nerdy for most people so in dropped fresh faced reasonably likable Elon to lead the world to neuralink nirvanna.

It's also possible that the higher ups push a rather unpalatable side of the progress coin so they can flip it and give us something that will be more acceptable later on. Billie's harsh and invasive approach will be replaced by gentler voluntary methods that the young'uns will lap up with glee.

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I went to your link and read your article. Well done. Now I need some kind of optimism that we can stop the insanity. I watch the people around me and see so few who get what's happening. Even if they aren't taking more injections at this time, then are in denial of where we are headed. I didn't line up for anything, but I didn't speak up enough, I tried in my circle but no one was listening or wanted to listen, they drank the kool-aid and high fived each other. Intelligent people I thought, now I know they are sheep. I still try to drop information anytime I see an opening to do so. Most of the time people don't respond or don't even hear me, like their brain can't process any information that feels threatening to their world view.

Tell me something good, if you can.

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The good thing about sheep is that they will follow even good trends, too 😂 Not everyone has to be convinced of the truth. We just need a tipping point, which I believe is coming, and public will angrily rise up. There are worker protests around the world. Farmers, truckers, fishermen have had it. There is a breaking point. The elites are worried, I believe. They are holding symposiums on "How to Restore Public Trust". They are quitting their positions, selling their stocks, scurrying underground. They know they've poked the bear. Their smartest move right now, as Tsubion pointed out, is to offer the kinder, gentler, "voluntary" version of tyranny, where everyone goes back to sleep and thinks everything is wonderful and convenient. But they've caused too much damage. Too many people are suffering. You can't put that cat back in the bag. The elites have wakened too many sleepers, and our numbers swell by the minute.

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Well said! Agreed on all points. I feel like positions have being set and, as things play out, more and more people will simply stand their ground and deflect the attacks. That's how we win, at least for the time being.

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I feel you. The lack of response is depressing to say the least. I also speak up now whenever I hear people holding the mainstream view. I just state things as I see them without worrying about the consequences. There was a time when I stopped speaking up because I saw the situation as hopeless. Essentially I was living in a place that was 100% compliant with all mandates. I felt entirely alone but for the online community. I'm afraid I can't offer optimism because I would be lying. The way things are going we can expect all manner of pot holes, set backs and curve balls that can catch the average person off guard unless they are fairly well situated and prepared. That's just the way it is. In fact, that's the way it's always been. It's really a matter of luck in the end. What I can say is that there is a strong "savior protocol" building in the background behind all the fear and doom. I would suggest not falling for this trickery however welcoming it looks i.e. gov handouts with certain conditions.

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I don't trust the government about anything, always do my own research. They don't care about us.

I have been in the same lonely place as you, that's when I went on Twitter and substack.

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Well... we're not lonely now. Just knowing that there are millions of other people out there in the same boat is a start.

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Agree completely.

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Thank you, James. I think the damn is breaking also. The next few months will be an interesting time on planet earth.

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"The trees aren’t going to kick themselves, amirite??"

Great piece, James. I will go to sleep laughing at the idiocracy of it all.

Somehow, in a miracle of Divinity, we will prevail.

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Hi James Edward

Well we lived through the beginnings of tyranny, we got to see the gears running in the propaganda machines and the paid/pied pipers who lead the march.

We saw everyone we cared about hop in lines, and mask up.

It was horrific to be screaming into the void. And we saw how ineffective we were against the mainstream media and 24/7 propaganda campaigns.

It was an education in the centrally controlled narrative or the covert CIA operation that co-ordinated the government in every participating country.

It fostered a response that has made the mainstream media redundant, a toothless tiger. Enough people decided to find other sources of information and debate and discussion. And here we are on Substack typing away, arguing for change that will see the criminal class prosecuted for their crimes.

When the criminal class leave their gatekeeping positions, paradigms are going to fall. The artificial illusions these criminals curated inside our schooled heads will lift.

The free-dumb will be revealed along with the non-science and non-medicine.

Here’s my contribution to what’s ahead.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust. Zero oxygen is required.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air not a constituent of air. Oxygen is made by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is SUPER SUPER SUPER DRY air.

Oxygen has zero humidity.

Lungs requires air to be in the range of 30-50% humidity. Lungs struggle with dryness under 30% humidity.

Air is measured by its moisture at a given temperature or humidity. 100% humidity is dew point or drop point.

The difference between oxygen and air is the moisture content, nothing else.

Nitrogen is a product of oxygen. Nitr o gen is black oxygen, or synthetic smoke or non combustible oxygen.

I link to a brilliant demonstration of oxygen becoming nitrogen using a home oxygen concentrator in my second article.

My first article: we breathe air not oxygen I explain why I make the assertion zero oxygen is involved with our physiology.

My third article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? I explain why big pHARMa has profited with this directive. Every chronic dis-ease has increased with salt restriction for very good reason.

Hydration equals SALT plus water. Our physiology runs on hydration. Any dryness results in dis-ease. Dehydration or low salt is our Achilles heel.

Water follows salt into and out of the body. Salt holds water within us. Low salt equals low blood volume. Low blood volume increases heart rate.

Do you see the mismatch?

There is more, find out what air really is and why low salt causes stress intolerance and compliance.

Click on my blue icon and read my three articles. Ponder and research.

Science and medicine is the WILD WEST, there is more fraud in them hills. What will you find?

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