Spot on. This is an excellent summary and support of actual Liberalism, rather than the bastardised and corrupted liberalism of the modern authoritarian left.

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Excellent! One of the best reads on Substack.

Highly recommended for anyone hoping for a better future.

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Thanks, Metta, High praise, thank you!

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You're most welcome, James.

I've also added a link to this article into a brand new section of my "red pill" library that I just now created:

> Library: BeyondC19.org

> Curator Favorites: Many more resources will be added into this new section the days ahead. Right now, your utopia article is the very first I've added into the articles section. In fact, your article was part of the inspiration for creating this whole new collection of "favorites" in the first place. 😉👍

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e20d66083a62

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Wow, that's an incredible resource! Honored to be a part of it!

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Thank you, James! Appreciate your positive feedback. 🤩

In fact, would you be willing for me to add your feedback onto the home page of the library? I'd provide a link to your Substack, so it would get even more visibility. Just let me know, when you get a chance. Thanks!

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Absolutely! This is one of the things I love about this platform--we help each other out.🤗

I have been compiling a red pill list of my own (not nearly as impressive in scope as yours!) and I will definitely be linking to your incredible site.

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Many thanks, James! Much appreciated. 🤗

Agree 100% about the mutual reinforcing benefits of Substack. 👍

Would very much love to see your own red pill list, if/when it is might be shared publicly.

In the meantime, thank you very much for your willingness to share! 💟

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I do not understand why this has NOT gone viral? This is hands down the absolute best description and solution on what to do about this problem. Do you think it is being throttled? My spidey senses say something is amiss. Excellent summation.

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Interestingly, this piece was reprinted here...


... with many more views and comments, mostly negative. The general gist is that I am naive to expect people to stand up to evil and I don't understand how the world works.

Mmkay. Well, go back to playing along and electing people, I guess. I'm sure that'll fix everything. 🙄

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It's like you said, people want a quick fix, they don't want to do the work of looking at themselves and their actions and participation. Years ago a wise teacher told me that "we either create our reality or allow it. If you have to blame someone, blame yourself because then you can take action to fix whatever it is. You can't change someone else only yourself".

It's so much easier to wait for someone else to fix what's wrong and point fingers at the enemy. They don't understand that if the masses stood up and said no to the agenda of WEF or whoever, they would have no power to enslave us.

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100% right, Kyra. Glad somebody gets it!

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Me too, there's a few of us

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That is a great saying. I am saving it. It is just so true, but who lives with those principles anymore? Just look around...people are living as if things are totally the same as they were 5 years ago (I will not go into quality of life here!)..they go shopping and drive and bitch about inflation. Or the 'prices going up' because they don't even have the word inflation in their hard drives. I am bracing for impact and they are skipping through the daisies.

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Well, it is the Dutch people who were mostly commenting, so there is that. Americans are not the Dutch and I would like to think that 'elections' will have nothing to do with how our country survives from here on out. The people need to stand up and take this nation back. However each and every one of us choose to resist, many resisting in their own way is big medicine. And we had better start doing it before they force us onto cattle cars and the people in the churches just sing louder when the trains rattle past on Sunday morning.

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Thanks, Sadie. I never know which posts are gonna hit or miss, to be honest. For a few people such as yourself it was a hit, but like I said in the post, the message of self-responsibility might be doomed. Most people don't want to hear that THEY are responsible for the state of the world by choosing to participate in evil systems or not. They want a beheading or a newly elected hero, and they think that's gonna fix everything. 🤷

Appreciate your support, in any case!

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I agree with you James. People tend to not want to believe they have anything to do with the evil or that they participate in it with what they support for financial gain or saving on something. They often don't walk their talk because of the inconveniences they might have to deal with. It's so easy to fool ourselves when we want to.

Your post was great and even if people don't respond it may get into their head and make a difference. Once you see and know something its difficult to unseen it, it eats at you. Keep the truth coming.

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Thanks for the encouragement, Kyra. Honestly, while the traffic would be nice, it's not really why I write and post. Really, the whole point is to connect with other like minds, and even if that's only a handful of folks, I regard it as mission accomplished. And, as you suggest, we may plant a seed today that grows into something massive down the road.

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I reposted it on mine and had 86 reads from my subscribers.

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Nice, thanks for spreading the word Sadie!

(PS. I think I got a bunch of traffic from coffeeandcovid on the previous post because you linked it over there. You are the best cheerleader a 'stacker could ask for!)❤️

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I did link it on C&C. This is so great. Sending you only good thoughts!♥

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That's right.

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I agree Sadie Jay, a brilliant summation of truth.

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As the great Bill Cooper once said the answer is always more freedom not less of it. The systems we have now are all hell bent on crushing the little freedom we have. Control freaks are running the holiday camp!

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Sadly, there seems to be some "freedom didn't work, look where it got us, so what else are we gonna try?" sentiment amongst the dissidents. I have repeatedly tried to engage Toby on this. Every version of "what else" necessitates some kind of dystopian force. Freedom is, and ever was, the only answer!

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The deeply religious among the "freedom movement" are begging on their knees for an authoritarian good guy to establish a thousand year theocracy in his image. Unfortunately, my faith in benevolent dictatorships is all worn out.

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You and me both!

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This is an excellent article by Stephen Harrod Buhner regarding the potential of evil in all of us. Please read to the end.


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This is brilliant, thank you. I completely agree that evil lurks in all of us and our need to confront that is paramount if we want to reduce evil in the world. I try my best to opt out of anything that supports corrupt corporations and regulatory agencies, etc. I won't participate in buying stocks in pharma, etc. I don't even take an aspirin for a headache because I don't want to give them a dime. I turn to natural remedies all I can. I trust no one in authority that wants me to comply with them. I spend cash as much as I can instead of cc especially at farmers markets, small local businesses, etc. I do struggle with what to do with my savings for retirement. If you can point me in the direction of wisdom regarding what I can do to reduce my dependance on banks, I would appreciate it. The money world bores me, kind of always has, however there is the reality of needing it.

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"evil lurks in all of us and our need to confront that is paramount if we want to reduce evil in the world" Exactly Kyra! We all play our part in evil flourishing or not by whether we choose to participate in it. I think you've done an excellent job of opting out of evil systems!

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Thank you, James. It's good to correspond with someone who understands this.

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