Truly excellent - cross posting and sharing on facebook... thrilled to see my post referenced...

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Thanks, Gary! Your post helped to crystallize some thinking I had been doing on this. There is a kind of nervous, clutching desperation to the tyrants that you just don't find in strong, truth-oriented people.

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Glad you cross-posted this, Gary! I may have never found it.

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Brilliant!!!!! I have a colleague, advanced degrees, nuclear accident analysis, refuses to specify a safe oil to use on a transport vehicle, because despite numerous supporting calculations and copious research, he could not find certain interaction parameters established by repeated physical experimentation. He and his team have been looking at this problem for 10 years and still can’t pull the trigger. He quickly got the 2 Pfizer jabs as soon as they became available. Has since gotten the booster. When I told him I wasn’t jabbed, and would never get any jab, and that I haven’t been sick since the late 60s early 70s, and then just a cold, he looked pole-axed.

Your article has just illuminated how an apparently intelligent, meticulous, and demanding scientist can make a life altering decision instantly with no thought, or questions.

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I found the video excruciatingly sad and like you, his repetition of the "winner" and "loser" narrative spoke volumes. To admit one has been monumentally duped is a step in the direction towards being more honest with oneself, I feel. We are all on a spectrum of that process of realisation, however, as what is unfolding is much much bigger than the debate about the so-called vaccine, which is the tip of an equally monumental iceberg of revelations about how we've allowed ourselves to be played and enslaved to faceless entities and the "powers-that-should-not-be". The worm, so to speak, is turning.

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Just to add that the perpetuation of the "divide and rule/conquer" programme is exemplified in the video. Something important is required of all those he perceives as being "right" which is to be magnanimous and compassionate. However, I've encountered people who are wedded to of their rightness and with it comes righteousness and indignation. I find that particularly those who feel they have been mistreated, vilified, gas-lit, ostracised etc., are also in what Charles Eisenstein describes as the story of separation. I get it. People have lost livelihoods, friends, loved ones, their perceived freedoms. How, though, can a corrupt, harmful system be exposed and crumble without some of us being "duped"? Without some of us choosing to "take the shot"? Without some of us accepting everything the MSM and Govern-ment says? What this has done, I feel, is to show each of us where we too might reject and covertly wish ill on others in our own obsession with being "right". Maybe what is needed right now is to applaud each other's courage in the roles we chose to play, after all we need to work together to rise together.

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Really appreciate this. Yes, identity, is so central to everything unfolding right now. The lack of self-knowledge, the question, Who am I? (never are we taught to explore it) is so foundational, and now is in major play, because we've created so many 'identities' that have nothing to do with truth. Hmm... interesting times.

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Thanks, Kathleen. Yes, and we are witnessing the power of those false identities... literal self-destruction. Truly tragic and avoidable.

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It's much harder for some of us, than others, to acknowledge we've been wrong. Some of us are experts at it - we've done so much learning! Have the flexible strength of a mind open to fact!

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Brilliant and 100% spot on. Sharing immediately

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Excellent and very thought provoking...

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I think I said sort of the same thing here https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/if-you-want-chiming-in-and-nodding not afraid to be foolish or wrong and willing to change my mind completely 🙏🏽

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This is just beautiful, thank you, James!

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Wonderful post. I do identify as a truth-seeker and even that identity isn't probably all that helpful. I find it so frustrating though that so many people say they're interested in truth when they're clearly not. As soon as you challenge their belief they get hostile whereas I know about myself that as I only want to be right I'm willing to change whatever I believe and I'm generally not particularly attached to my beliefs in any case. I do find it a struggle with all the VIP paedophilia stuff, that's very disheartening but if that's the reality that's the reality.

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Pfizer, et al, won with depopulating the planet whilst making a massive fortune. All with absolutely NO RISK from shielding LIABILITY. How can anyone have been so gullible with just that simple piece of the puzzle generally known? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Stop being a sheep is the only way

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Outstanding post. Thank you!

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I question the statement: "The desire to control others, of course, comes from a place of fear and weakness. Every bully (or dictator) is secretly terrified." The "controllers" I know, some in my own family, seem to come from a place of narcissism. They get a kind of rush, if you will, from being able to manipulate & control others. They never admit to being wrong, and if anything, when presented w opposing facts, double down & degrade the person (usually me) presenting opposing views.

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I am blessed for working in industrial R&D. Real life where, at the end of the day, stuff has to work. One quickly learns or is gone, that you cannot fake anything and you must protect yourself from yourself. If your theory is wrong and you latest experiment failed spectacularly, um that is where you learn stuff.

I work with stuff that occurs on surfaces. Best quote about surfaces is from Wolfgang Paul, "God made solids, but surfaces were the work of the devil."

The best experiment ever was to make a product that would have extended life. Result: it had the shortest life of anything we had tested. Oops. Big Clue. I was looking at an important variable and got it wrong. By luck a competitive product had the longest life tested. Due to the failure and the luck, we put it together and had a theory that let us control original performance and lifetime

Academia and government funded stuff does not do science as they (almost) never admit failure. If it is not falsifiable, it is not science. Industry does science or goes out of business in technical markets. Where do semiconductor electronic chips come from? We are now down to dealing with quantum mechanics on really small stuff to make progress.

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