Brilliant, loved this. If I wasn't running out, I'd say more. Thank for James you the clarity and honing in the critical question of these times - What are we doing about it?

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Thanks, Kathleen! I know you are one of the "hard contacters" who makes a regular effort to unplug from the ludicrous fiction and go take in some reality (and who reminds us all to do the same).

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"We" are looking for answers by sharing what we learn. The platform that we are using to do this is part of the matrix that James is referring to and given the forsed isolation we ha been subjected to, for some, the only connection to a community left.

I think what he is saying is that, to remove ourselves from the matrix, we have to make hard connections with real people and disconnect our energy from the matrix energy harvesting tools.

Enduring without the conveniences that we have been sold that entrap us.

I have up on humanity on mass when the majority complied to coercion. Hundred if not thousands of years of brainwashing through false histories is embedded in culture, language and what people think they know... What I think I know.

The knowledge has been hidden and can be to a degree found in the ancient Greek texts that have had a Generational Loss through intentional devious translation and just poor interpretation.

The ultimate defiance at this stage is to survive the death cult and manifest a new beginning for myself using the quantum forces of intent.

There is no " we the people". People are a bludgeoning tool and sheild for those with the hidden knowledge.

As Oscar Wilde said, " democracy is the bludgeoning of the people for the people by the people"

Everything is captured, and has been for thousands of years.

This is a culling of those that do not have the ears to hear and the eyes to see what is in plain sight but hidden in information overload.

James is right, once you know enough, get the hell out of the entanglement, the controlled illusion, the Matrix.

" We" just got a lot smaller.

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Typo correction - "The bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people."

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Good quote!

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This is spot on, James. We decry the matrix from the comfort of... the matrix. Oh the sad but human irony!

Thanks for the excellent assessment; I'm sharing this, for sure. On... the matrix 🙄

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Thanks, Mary! Yes, the irony is not lost on me. Probably neither of us is 100% anti-tech (otherwise what are we doing here?) I just think we need to be smart about not falling into the trap of believing Matrix-program-theater-presentation is coextensive with the real. And to take frequent "reality baths" for sanity.😊

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Agreed. It does get tricky, doesn't it? Questioning absolutely everything. Tricky and tiring. Makes me want to unplug completely and live on a mountaintop...

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Terence McKenna was big on this. He called it “felt presence of immediate experience.” To McKenna culture was the enemy. He said if you want to know where it’s at go stand under a waterfall or watch a storm pound a coastline. Truth can only be obtained directly through your own unmediated senses. Reality is messy, often uncomfortable, unpredictable and unsafe.

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Excellent, Dolly. I really should look up more Terence McKenna. Yes, another way I would put it is "culture is mental illness". When we participate in it we accept a little bit of illness into our minds.

Back in this post https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/pivot I said "anyone feeling secure in what they know is perfectly fine in stillness and silence. A person overlooking a pristine lake in a mountain landscape, for example, has no need for words. All is evident. Nothing needs elucidating. They have achieved satori."

When we experience the actual, nothing needs to be said.

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Music is fucking annoying. Why do they that?

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Excellent! "Get your minds out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash" Perfectly put!💯

I'm adding this to the post, thank you for linking!

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Chop wood, carry water, and you’ll know what’s real.

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Exactly. Work one day on a farm doing almost anything. You'll know.

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I love this piece so much! Thank you for writing it. I like the term hard contact, been doing this for years now, backed far, far away from the monster, in my mind “. The eye of Sauron”, the internet, going as analog as possible. My time is filled with making art, hiking, and listening to music, preferably live. ❣️

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Thanks, Shield Maiden. Yeah, Sauron, are you watching? Take note: 🖕🖕

Yes, yes, and yes to all of those activities! Making music with others for a live audience has been massive therapy for me. Nothing like music for getting a group of people tingling in their skin and moving in their bodies!

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This is the font of your Matrix. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3263007/

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There are now several ways to Exit the Matrix but you will need to loose the fear first.

Knowledge can then give you back your power and your freedom.

More details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-destroy-the-matrix

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I love that you use "we" as opposed to "they." It reminds me of Pogo: "we have met the enemy and he is us." Well done.

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James, this was a long-awaited and beautiful article. My most recent corroborating story is about a dear friend and her husband and their 27-year-old son who was my former music student.

He was a fabulous creative young man, choosing to live in Hollywood, and working at the Rainbow Bar & Grill. This last summer 2024, had signed up for a short-term job as a bartender at what he called "a private rich people's party" in Bohemian Grove. After his short stint there, he flew to the east coast for a family reunion. He refused to talk to even his best long-term friends about the BoHo Grove gig. He died in the bathroom of a family member's home. The med-techs said it looked like signs of a heart attack but the cause of death was "inconclusive." His parents requested an autopsy, and I have not yet heard of the results.

His mother is my dear friend and flute student. Knowing her as a very good mother, I would think she'd want to know everything about her cherished son's sudden demise. So I told her that I have information about Bohemian Grove that may offer some insights into her son's death. She said, "Let me think about it." I haven't heard from her in over two weeks.

This tells me that even good-hearted, loving people cannot stand the truth. They would rather live in abject pain of not knowing than know and live with their anger toward "untouchables" who they actually worship, which is so sickening to my soul.

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Thanks, Sharine. Wow, yeah, the human capacity for denial, even in such overwhelming circumstances, seems infinite. Truly, some people would rather dwell in darkness, and some (few) of us would rather face the discomfort of the light.

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Hey JET. Nice to hear from you again. I don’t do social media except here of a sorts, so I’m always happy and excited to read your insights.

Many Hindu people who believe in Brahma also believe that he is dreaming us, that we’re all in his dream and that when he awakens, it’s more than just a new day in the mind of Brahma but a whole new reality.

Jewish mystics from millennia ago also taught this in a way, I won’t go into details but Kabbalists know this.

Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) said:

“In Him we move and live and have our being” (Acts 17:28 quoting the Cretan philosopher Epimenides).

What does that really mean? These ideas are ancient, but here we are today, saying something not unlike these insightful words.

Angles, certain celestial beings from elsewhere, not of our seen reality, came to Abraham to warn him about a coming catastrophe against the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the argument, the main being (referred to by Abraham as “my lord” - what lord?) warns Abraham and Abraham tries to bargain with the angel. That’s interesting of itself.

I ask, how did he know he was “lord” if as it says further down the track that no one has seen God, angels were the delivery agents of God’s Torah so says Rav Shaul (Paul), so who were they and where, and from what dimension did these beings originate and return.

Ezekiel was in Babylonian captivity and had some sort of extraterrestrial vision or encounter, where he says he was “taken” to see certain geographical events which he described.

The Apostle Yochanan (John) was also “taken” into what he described as “the day of the Lord”. He wrote extensively about his encounter, visions, alternative reality which blows our minds to this day.

How does this happen?

How are some people healed by the power of prayer, like Yeshua and some disciples did, where the reality was anything but what we can properly fathom as our own reality we see around us. How does a limb regrow? A dead person come to life by calling out their name? Or by lying on top of them like Elijah did. Christians say “oh but Yeshua (Jesus) was God in flesh.” Okay, but what about Elijah. The Apostles. Or like Pythagorus who walked on water long before Yeshua is seen doing so.

Oh it’s just a miracle, we say. But what do we mean by that?

What do we mean by that shift of unseen reality into the seen reality.

By belief!! Faith. Expectancy. Tuned into some “other” reality.

The more we delve, the more we realize that we are only just beginning to expand the parameters of our ignorance.

When “God” wakes up, what happens next.

Yochanan says he saw a “new heavens and a new earth for the former one had passed away”. Huh?

He also saw: “The sky retreated like a scroll that is being rolled up.”

Isaiah 34:4 “The skies shall be rolled up like a scroll”.

My husband & I had a very terrifying experience, we both saw it, we lived it, we were literally terrified by it. The atmosphere parted - it was the dead of night and certain events we believe precipitated this which I won’t go into - and from its “opening” a black creature emerged like something akin to a huge cockroach, menacing and with a lot of scary energy with it. I screamed and my husband immediately prayed that he loved me, that love was the stronger power. It disappeared as quickly as it came. We have never forgotten this because it cemented our belief in the fact that these quantum “levels” are dwelling alongside of us. Alongside is not even the right word. It came from within, like in the show “Sliders” or the movie that preceded it. A wormhole or such.

Certainly, reality it seems, is what we make it - until the Creator wakes up.

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I just had another thought relating to “mind control” by other beings (they’re at work relentlessly) or the fact that so many are living in that cave.

I’m approaching this subject Biblically because that’s my expertise and because there is so much info related to the subject contained within its ancient pages. It gets a bad rap in some circles, but let’s just suspend our disbelief for a moment.

In Romans 11:32 Rav Shaul states “For God has bound everyone over to disobedience [unbelief] so that He may have mercy on them all.”

What’s that if it’s not some kind of spiritual blindness sent by the Creator. This theme is reiterated in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 where God sends “strong delusion so that they will believe the lie”.

The point of binding everyone in unbelief is so that the Creator who instilled this “mind control” can lift that “binding” or “delusion” when He sees the time is right and so that He can have mercy on them all because he started it, remember. God only has one plan for humanity and that’s salvation for ALL.

(Keep in mind the truth of the matter that Adam and Eve did not “fall”. They were pushed - in order to fulfill His plan of redemption. No good without the bad, remember that too. )

Even though humanity is blinded, deluded, lied to, the Creator has it all under control so that He can save ALL. Not SOME as the Roman church and its daughters have taught for 1600 years, but ALL. There will be a universal salvation for us all. Even the worst of the worst because they have been blinded to the truth for a reason. That reason is so that He may show His love and mercy to everyone. We were saved when we were yet sinners, the Bible says. We did nothing for that salvation, “it is the gift of God”. It’s a gift. We don’t take it for ourselves despite what your church tells you. We can’t. Strong delusion is at work so that eventually the full restoration of all things can come into effect.

God is dreaming us as we are dreaming Him. It is He who leads us out of the darkness of that cave with a small glimmer of light that eventually envelopes us in transformation, into a new reality.

This is the true message of the Gospels which has been hindered by hate and delusion.

And money and control, let’s not forget that and which was taught for 500 years after Christ.

God wants us to experiment in this reality, prove Him, prove His plan for His whole creation. It’s exciting to glimpse a new reality on the horizon, one that is being prepared in another “reality” for all of us hapless humans and the critters, don’t forget the critters.

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