Billionaires pretending they care about humanity whilst implementing evil world domination plan. The people are surprisingly unfooled.
Could it be ze peeple are actually on to uz?
Don't trust the WEF, they aren't here to help you. Ever wonder why they talk about the great reset? Bug diets? Owning nothing? Push the Vax? Other worldly beings? Why they are infiltrated into all govs? They have ulterior motives that mean to enslave & harm us all #WEFpuppet #wef
Political coup now in full swing. We are now being run by WEF. He will take his orders from WEF!
We didn’t vote for these people or their policies. Proving we no longer have a democratic vote in this Country!! Just shocking! #WEFpuppet #democracyisdead
Get rid of #WEF No one voted you in, or your puppets!!! #WEFpuppet
Suzanne Seddon @suzseddon
Straight from the Devil’s mouth!
Mr Harari has told us the reason for the plandemic:
“Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimise total biometrics surveillance.”
#WEF #WEFpuppet #WEFMustBeStopped #Nuremberg2
Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control Nations. Control food and you control People.
Henry Kissinger #wefPUPPET
WEF-World Economic Forum with Klaus Schwab is the most dangerous threat to us all. They have their fingers everywhere from vaccines to your money. Eat ze bugs is soon reality.
#WEFpuppet #GreatReset
Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar
🇳🇱 The Dutch minister of Finance, who also happens to be the co-chair of the Global Action Group at the WEF, is now looking to introduce a law to monitor ALL transactions over €100. If that doesn’t worry you I don’t know what to tell you.
Another #WEFpuppet elected in Brazil. What a hopeless feeling. That’s 2 in 2 weeks. Congratulations to #KlausSchwab for another cabinet penetration and being closer and closer to the #GreatReset
Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, "Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?"
#WEFpuppet #TrudeauCorruption
There are many that are happy to remain unconscious about the reality of the WEF, DEADLY injections (called vaccinations) and the move towards total oppression and eventual SLAVERY - For those that survived the DEADLY injections which have proved to be a DE-POPULATION Exercise.
'LIABILITY' for Vax makers would resolve the issue of vax injuries and VAX RELATED DEATHS immediately. Their useless but deadly injected 'medicines' (= depopulation) would result in them becoming insolvent within a very short period! It's just COMMON SENSE!
Sorry, but I've got to add; 'F*^k PayPal' for jumping the gun, before obtaining Adolf Schwab's (WEF) authority, to announce $2500 fines for any customer daring to tell the truth about deadly injections (called 'vaccines') or anything else related to Fauci's enhancement of DEADLY BAT FLU.
Mick from Hooe. UK. (Unjabbed to live longer)
Thanks for collating all this.