Boy, what would we do without moralizing public health authorities?
Without them, we might enjoy a return to psychological health as we learn to look one another in the face again and smile and see each other as humans.
Thank goodness we have people like the former US surgeon general to remind us that our psychological health is an act of disrespect, and cruelty, and indifference to others:
So. Masks don’t work, but continue to mask anyway to #respect the emotional well-being of others.
Got it.
Thank you, former surgeon general, for reminding us of this important truth: when we discover something is false, we should definitely not adjust our actions accordingly. We should go on pretending the false thing is true for the sake of those who still believe the false thing. If we didn’t, they might get upset. And being upset about something is a fate to be avoided at all costs. We should maintain the false delusion that we have brainwashed them to believe rather than upset them.
It’s way more #respectful to keep up a lie that someone likes rather than confront them with harsh, icky truth which they won’t.
We should just never tell people things they don’t want to hear. It would be cruel to confront them with unpleasant things like facts and logic and truth.
Like when your child runs with scissors, you should not stop them or correct them or tell them that what they’re doing is wrong. That would cause them emotional discomfort! For their emotional well-being, we should go grab a pair of scissors and join them.
Pretending saves lives!
It’s kind of like, when you rescue a family member from a cult and bring them home, would you act normal around them and treat them as if they had their own thoughts?
Duh. Of course not!
Everyone should definitely still dress and act as a cult member around that person, and continue to brainwash and humiliate them and prevent them from having their own thoughts. Otherwise they might be forced to confront reality and rediscover thinking for themselves and experience moral reprehension for the pain and turmoil and brainwashing that they’ve been put through, and have put their family members through.
And, as we all know, pain is never a healthy or appropriate response to anything. Better that we should never feel pain, or heal for that matter, but stay permanently locked in happy delusion.
After all, it’s all about emotional well-being.
And #respect.
Emotional well-being does not mean being told the truth. Emotional well-being means never being made to confront the truth, or be upset for any reason.
Even if that reason makes no sense.
“Compassion still matters.” Wow. Well said, former US surgeon general, and thank you. I think we all would have forgotten that without you reminding us.
And it’s so good to know you care. And that you are an exemplar of such compassion, which by the way, does not sound like virtue-signaling at all.
Of course, as long as we’re being super-compassionate toward the emotional well-being of others (and making sure that everyone knows it) I wonder if we should be compassionate towards kids we put in muzzles for two years, whose learning, cognitive capacity, speech recognition, psychological health, and social skills we impaired, probably for years to come?
And should we be compassionate toward the parents of those children, who have undergone the pain of seeing their kids be terrified and unhinged at the sight of mask-less faces?
(For example: should I be compassionate to the teary-eyed father my partner spoke to recently, who took his eight-year-old son to experience Mardi Gras in San Antonio, and the kid, looking around at all the unmasked, joyous faces, dancing and talking and singing together, said: “Dad, is this what it was like before COVID??”Eight-years-old. And he couldn’t remember a time when people showed their faces, or shared public joy with people.)
And what about the emotional well-being of the families removed from passenger flights because their (perfectly healthy) two-year olds wouldn’t wear a mask for six hours straight? (Almost as if they had a natural instinct to breathe freely…)
And what about the emotional well-being of all the people we vilified and publicly-berated and shamed and fined and pepper-sprayed and arrested for not masking?
And what about the public shaming and vilification of people who dared question masking, or point to the 150+ studies showing that masks don’t stop respiratory illnesses? Or the mountains of data showing that mask mandates had absolutely no effect, whatsoever, on case rates? Or the fraudulent, biased studies which tried to justify masking?
And what about compassion for employees who were put at even higher risk of infection from all sorts of nasties, including the virus, by wearing dirty masks for eight hours plus, in the false belief that they were “being safe”? Or who suffered ill effects of carbon dioxide poisoning?
And what about the emotional well-being of the parents who have lost countless teenaged sons and daughters to suicides and drug overdoses over the past two years of all your wonderful NPIs, including masking, that did absolutely nothing?
Should we be compassionate toward those people? Should we #respect their emotional well-being?
You know, I hate to say it, because you are obviously a super-compassionate, but it almost kinda seems like the “emotional well-being” of those people is exactly what you ground under your uncaring boot for two years.
But hey, what do I know? I mean you are the public health authority, which also means you’re the authority on morality and compassion and who is deserving of it, so I guess I’ll just swallow my own misplaced rage and revulsion and take your word for it.
You do after all have an MD after your name (as you were so careful to make sure we all noticed) and that stands for Doctor of Morality. Right?
Or is that just another thing that we’re just supposed to keep pretending?
The most embarrassing part is that it was obvious from the beginning that the muzzle was only the first step in mass torture and obedience training. Even if Germ Theory (as opposed to Terrain Theory) was true, the muzzles were even marked on the box to be useless against "viruses." Eventually, researchers collected 283 harmful effects of the muzzle, including carcinogens and nanotech embedded in them.