Guys, I’m feeling really inspired by Rainn Wilson.
I think I’m going to change my social media handle to...
James Evil Billionaire WEF Tyrant Dictators Are Using Climate Concerns as a Cover to Capture Governments and Media and Corporations Around the Globe To Further Their World Domination Plans By Trying to Impose a Depopulated Worldwide Biotech Security State and Programmable Currency and Social Credit Score Socialism To Make You Servile And Compliant Whilst They Ultimately Control the Entirety of the World's Resources and Wealth Taylor
What do you guys think?
It’s got a nice ring to it and I really think it's going to save the planet.
But, for some reason, Elon won't let me change it.
He must be censoring me, that bastard!
He should just change his name to 'fucking bellend'
Well James. First I laughed out loud. Now I want to cry.