A Nefarious Agenda, Part Two: In Their Own Words
The Davosian Dystopians elevate “saying the quiet part out loud” to a fine art.
They’re telling us.
They’re telling us exactly what they want to do.
They’re telling us how they plan on achieving it. (They even call it “The Agenda” on the public facing WEF website. They say their mission is “to shape global, regional and industry agendas”. In other words, they have the agenda to run all agendas.)
They’re telling us what crises they’re planning for, and they’re telling us these crises are a fantastic opportunity to further their agenda.
They’re telling us what kind of world they envision once they’ve succeeded. (If you remember the Black Mirror episode with the people slaving on treadmills to earn “merits” from their masters, which they can then spend on products offered to them by their masters, while they live in cubicle cells filled with telescreen advertisements, and cute AI companions, and propaganda from their masters… I think you won’t be too far off.)
The way the Davos Set like to lay bare their world domination plans right out in the sunshine for all to see, it might seem like cluelessness.
But I think we know better.
They’re bragging.
They actually believe, deluded as it might seem, that they’re saving the world with technology, with a “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, with a “Great Reset”—and they’re proud of how well it’s going.
Though they occasionally pay lip service to a fuzzy notion called “democracy” (like an embarrassing grandpa they tolerate since they know he won’t be around much longer) they really seem think all the world’s problems are caused by, drum roll please… a lack of tyranny.
A lapse which, with all their collective trillions of wealth, they are generously offering to correct.
And this makes them far, far more dangerous than simple power-lusters.
These are zealots, true believers in the tyrannical cause, who will spare no dollar to see it done, and damn the body count.
(In fact, bring on the body count, since culling the herd, too, is on the Agenda checklist).
All past tyrannies have failed, in their view, because those old tyrants, noble though their aims might have been, didn’t have the tech to see it done.
They’ve finally figured out what tyrants of old never seemed to grasp: let the people build their own prison. Total control, with our participation, using data that we happily (and witlessly) supply to them.
Of course, this is probably all conspiratorial paranoia, right?
The Wikipedia entry on The Great Reset is a masterclass in gaslighting. Using a sprinkling of terms such as “baseless” and “conspiracy theorists” and “fringes of far-right” it achieves the intended effect: one feels crazy by reaching the end of it.
Could this all just be well-intentioned rich folk trying to create a world that is “fairer, more equitable, more sustainable”? Could our concerns just be crazy, conspiracy-minded, right-wing paranoia?
Sure, if you ignore some things.
First, you have to ignore that criticisms of the WEF are not new. They used to come from that other fringe, the left, who, prior to being synaptically-wiped, had the sense to be suspicious, and critical, of crony-capitalist billionaires meeting to discuss the fate of billions of people, planning to use clever ways to subvert their elected governments, and getting those billions to submit to corporate control.
And, you have to ignore the real tyranny—particularly medical, digital, and surveillance tyranny—swiftly taking over our lives.
And, you have to ignore the massive amount of blood that could be spilled, and widespread poverty induced, over forcing nice-sounding concepts like “fairness” and “equity” and “sustainability” onto the world’s populace. (Who and what is to be deemed “unfair” and “inequitable” and “unsustainable”? What are to be their fates? And who decides? We don’t have to think back very far in history to arrive at another attempt to impose “equity” on a populace, to the tune of millions impoverished and dead, by another ideologue zealot called Vladimir Lenin—who, not incidentally, seems to have a place of honor on Herr Klaus’s office bookshelf.)
And, you have to ignore them actually saying that this is what they’re trying to achieve.
My base is the words actually coming out of their mouths.
To me—and to billions of people not invited to the closed, tiered Davos meetings—those words describe a nightmare dystopia that I do not want to live in.
Here’s a selection of things they’ve said out loud, grouped roughly into five themes:
1. Continual crises forever (and crisis opportunism).
2. Digital ID and surveillance, i.e., the end of freedom.
3. Eradication of possessions and private property.
4. Penetrating world governments.
5. Transhumanism (changing what it means to be human).
1. Continual crises, forever. Crisis opportunism. Crisis manufacturing.
“One of the greatest lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this: acute crisis contributes to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case, and there is no reason why it should be different with the covid-19 pandemic.”
“Covid-19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world.”
—Klaus Schwab, Covid-19: The Great Reset
Klaus was really serious about using that narrow window of opportunity, wasn’t he? He somehow got his book entitled “Covid-19” written and published in June 2020, just sixty days or so after the pandemic declaration. He must have been writing so fast he ripped the space-time continuum and started a year prior.
“In this time of crisis you have to follow science. It is often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
Hmm. I wonder if Noah realizes that this is a statement of how to deceive people into going along with things that they wouldn’t otherwise?
Oh, wait. Yep, he realizes it…
“Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic we need not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening under their skin.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
Lots of potential opportunities crises on the horizon, too:
“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.”
—Klaus Schwab
“Cyber attack”. Sounds scary. Sounds like something highly technical that you and I couldn’t possibly understand, therefore we ought to fear. Oh wait: a cyber attack with “covid-like characteristics”?
But, don’t worry… they simulated it.
And we all know those “simulations” are wonderful at causing preventing things from occurring, right?
Speaking of which, what is Bill “Event 201 turned out exactly as planned simulated” Gates saying these days?
Here’s the world’s most prescient creator predictor of world events, creepily smirking while he predicts a world event. Which, somehow, he knows will “get our attention this time”:
Good thing they are simulating that one, too. That should cause prevent it.

And how long should we expect this eerily prescient prediction/actuation cycle to last?
“Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory.”
—Klaus Schwab, Covid-19: The Great Reset
Okay, so… continual crises, forever.
What could possibly be next?
They may talk about being “committed to improving the state of the world”, but if we take them at their word, the Davosians really mean “committed to keeping the world locked in terror, so that we may fashion it as we please without too much objection”.
If history has taught us nothing else it should be this: in order to make their story true, Utopians always break the world. Always.
This has to be so. When forced into a fiction that maps badly onto reality, people will suffer.
2. Digital surveillance and digital ID for everything, i.e., the end of freedom.
“People could look back in a hundred years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin.”
“What we have seen so far is corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch. The next phase is surveillance going under our skin.”
“We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries which previously rejected them, and we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously surveillance was mainly above the skin. Now it’s going under the skin. Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet. Above all, they want to know what is happening under our skin. What’s our body temperature? What’s our blood pressure? What’s our medical condition?”
—Yuval Noah Harari
He really seems obsessed with getting under this troublesome skin barrier, doesn’t he?
(Don’t worry, Noah. You get under my skin every time you say things.)
Here’s Pfizer CEO Bourla talking to the WEF, praising the FDA for approving pills with chips which send a signal indicating whether their medication as been taken or not.
“Imagine the implications for compliance,” Bourla says.
I think we can imagine, Albert.
Here’s our buddy Bill again talking about “digital immunity proof”.
But it’s not just your “medical” status (really, your pharma status) that they want to monitor.
It’s digital ID, top-to-bottom, for everything.
WEF: Identity in a Digital World
So, a worldwide digital ID system that monitors your behavior, purchases, and whether you’ve taken your meds like a good boy or girl, and on that basis allows you to travel, access devices and the internet, and lets you obtain access to the financial system, insurance, healthcare, and goods and services.
Got it.
But it’s just paranoia, right?

And let’s not forget the long WEF dream of Central Bank Digital Currencies, aka programmable money, which eliminates cash and gives the state the power to turn off your money based on your behavior.
Eliminating the power of your money to do what you want it to do is the end of your freedom, and the Davosians know this. They need nothing further than this to achieve the vast majority of their Agenda.
All of it together—surveillance, digital ID, programmable currency—will have us living in a worldwide system like China and its social credit system, where you are accorded privileges based on compliant behavior, and subjected to “re-education” (or worse) based on non-compliant behavior.
Not surprisingly, Klausy has expressed his admiration for China, saying out loud: “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries."
Is this sounding like Utopia, yet?
Update (Jul 25/23):
3. The eradication of possessions and private property.
“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city." I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.
It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.”
—Ida Auken, Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
Sounds wonderful, right? A Star Trek-like Utopia, in which “stuff” is just as free as air.
Until we think about it for a couple of seconds.
There are still things. And there are still people. People are not ghosts; they require things. So who owns the things? If it isn’t me, then to whom must I beg for my things? If things are just services, who provides these services? And on what basis can they turn my access to things off? (Should be obvious, based on #2 above).
If Ida had said “things are so abundant in 2030 that they’re basically free” that would be one thing. If everything were powered by Tesla bifilar coils and energy production was free and limitless, then yes, it wouldn’t make much sense to go on paying for coal-powered electricity.
But Ida didn’t say things were abundant. She said you wouldn’t own them. And you not owning them implies that someone else does.
And another keystone of tyranny—everyone dependent on the state for everything, which it owns exclusively—snaps into place.
“My brain, my body, my life… does it belong to me, or to some corporation, or to the government, or perhaps to the human collective?”
—Yuval Noah Harari
Not only do I not own things in the future, but apparently, I do not even own my brain, my body or my life. These belong to the “human collective”. So, if the collective decides to liquidate my non-compliant brain, body, and life and use it to fertilize some crops, that will be okay in the coming Utopia?
No, Ida is kind enough to tell us what will happen to those who are not down with the new system:
My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.
—Ida Auken, Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
Wait, so my choices are…
Give up everything I own, along with my privacy, body, and mind, and be dependent on the supposedly beneficent AI-run state for all my needs, or
Retain ownership, independence, privacy, and live outside the city in self-supplying 19th-century villages?
Umm… where’s the line for number two?
It doesn’t sound like the non-city people will be “lost”. It sounds like the city-people will be desperately begging the non-city people to be let into their village communities within five years. Probably starving and wearing ragged clothes that they do not own, while running for their lives from SkyNet.
This “owning nothing” business is all the more disturbing in light of BlackRock (a multi-national investment firm that basically owns a part of every corporation on the planet) buying up single family homes at above-market values, essentially forcing a rental boom, and driving the whole housing market out of reach of ordinary consumers.
And, of course, since 2019 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has been a board member of WEF.
BlackRock’s role in the Great Reset is well-described in this article. Basically, by channeling their investments into ESG (Environment, Social values and Governance) companies (which are basically companies that do things in line with the WEF agenda) they will create the financial conditions for pinching out of existence all the “non-woke” companies who refuse to tow the line.
With BlackRock in their corner, the WEF Agenda has financial backing to the tune of trillions. They can basically entice companies around the world to go along with whatever the WEF deems to be “environmentally and socially responsible”.
All of which is somehow supposed to lead to “a more equitable world” in Herr Klaus’s words.
Which doesn’t sound equitable to me. It sounds like a vast transfer of wealth away from whomever the Davosians deem to be wrongthinkers, and consolidating it in the hands of the WEF and anyone who pretends to be their “enlightened” corporate buddies.
Equitable, to me, sounds more like dividing BlackRock’s $9 trillion in assets amongst eight billion people.
So, Larry, when can expect my check?
I guess I won’t hold my breath.
4. "Penetrating” world governments by placing indoctrinated Davosians in key positions.
“When I mention our names, like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin… they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the president of Argentina… so we penetrate the cabinets.”
“Yesterday I was at the reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of this cabinet, or even more than half of this cabinet, are our Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum… it’s true in Argentina, and it’s true in France now with the President…”
Note the active verb “penetrate”. His word. Anyone who speaks of penetrating something is either likening their activities to a military action, as in “to penetrate their defenses”, or to rape.
I don’t want Klaus and his Davosian buddies doing either to my government.
This article shows an astonishing list of WEF Global leaders. Gavin Newsom, Chelsea Clinton, Paul Krugman, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, Anderson Cooper, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, French President Emanuel Macron, French President Nicolas Sakozy… it goes on and on, describing some fairly critical folks who were in favor of imposing full tyranny on you over the last few years.
And, of course, in 2022, we saw these WEF sympathizers take power:

And here you thought you and I decided who our elected representatives are.
“Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale… Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have a soul or spirit and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether it be an election, or whether in the supermarket… this is my free will. That’s over. Free will, that’s over.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
I guess not.
5. Transhumanism. Changing what it means to be human. Knowing you “better than you know yourself”.
In an interview with Swiss RTS in 2016, responding to the question “When will we have chips implanted in us?” Klausy had this to say:
“Certainly in the next ten years. At first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or our skin. And in the end, maybe there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world.”
“First you have the personalized bots. I saw that at the end of the year Mr. Zuckerberg predicted that he will have his robot, his personalized butler that is at his disposal… It is a servant that with artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work, but that can really be an intellectual partner of you.”
—Klaus Schwab
“One of the features of this Fourth Industrial Revolution is that it doesn’t change what we are doing, but it changes us.”
—Klaus Schwab
If by “us” you mean you and your pals, Klausy, then we have no problem.
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes you, if you take a genetic editing, just as an example. It’s you who are changed, and of course this has a big impact on your identity.”
—Klaus Schwab
Ah, you switched pronouns. You just made this about me and my fellow identity-possessing friends. And that makes it personal, Klausy.
“Impact on my identity.” You mean like, eradicating it?
Also, genetic editing. What could possibly go wrong?
“The lines between technologies and beings are becoming blurred and not just by the ability to create lifelike robots or synthetics. Instead it is about the ability of new technologies to literally become part of us… As the technologies…give us deeper access to parts of ourselves, we may begin to integrate digital technologies into our bodies.”
—Klaus Schwab
Erm, again… what could possibly go wrong?
“Neurotechnologies enable us to better influence consciousness and thought and to understand many activities of the brain. They include decoding what we are thinking in fine levels of detail through new chemicals and interventions that can influence our brains to correct for errors or enhance functionality.”
—Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Again, note the active verb: shaping.
He is not passively predicting where technology is headed. He’s talking about deliberately using neurotech to influence brains and “correct for errors”. Presumably that means if I commit the sin of wrongthink, fear not, it can be “corrected”.
“In the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough. And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
It’s good to have idols, I suppose.
“Data might enable human elites do to something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships. By hacking organisms elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
Hacking organisms and reengineering life itself. This is really a whole “what could possibly go wrong” section, isn’t it?
Have these people never seen Jurassic Park? Or The Terminator? Or any cautionary science fiction?
“And if indeed we succeed in hacking and engineering life this will be not just the greatest revolution in the history of humanity, this will be the greatest revolution in biology since the very beginning of life 4 billion years ago.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
And it’s not just science fiction. My memory of fairy tales and ancient myths is a bit fuzzy, but doesn’t it seem like a lot of them deal with the sin of hubris, not trying to play god, because of the unforseen and disastrous consequences?
“For 4 billion years nothing fundamental changed… Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before. We are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction. We are really upgrading humans into gods. We are acquiring the power to re-engineer life.”
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds, the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud… these are the new driving forces of evolution.”
—Yuval Noah Harari
Something about flying too close to the sun, for example?
It’s almost like reality likes to exert its consequences most harshly on those who try their best to break fundamental laws of existence, like the genetic conditions for life, for example.
It seems like if you get that one wrong, the consequences could be… well, the widespread opposite of life.
So, to summarize, the Davosians seem to want a world in which:
there are perpetual crises, hence opportunities to remove power from people and give it to the state;
every human, animal, and plant is chipped, tracked, and controlled;
people do not own possessions or property (unless, presumably, you are one of the overlords);
elections are either rigged or nonexistent, and power derives not from a mandate of the electorate, but from being placed into key positions by the wise masters;
humans are genetically edited to be part of the Internet of Things. Essentially we are assimilated cyborgs whose every need is anticipated by AI, but are also “corrected” if our minds engage in wrongthink.
Let me see… nope.
I one hundred percent do not want to live in such a world.
And yet this is the world they seem to be fashioning.
They’re telling us they’re doing it.
We know it’s happening, from their words.
So, you tell me, is it “baseless paranoia”?
Nailed it. Have known all this. I feel like Chicken Little to all these bots. How in the hell do people, real people, afford to just live? I have been asking myself this in an escalating tone as the prices get higher and higher and the impetus to work gets lower and lower. Where are these people getting their money, those that used to live in the "vacant" jobs?? I want them to start talking. Well, there is a lot I want, but you know what they say about wishing in one hand and shitting in the other. But, why do these mike foxtrots, like uncle klaus and gates of hell, seem to live forever?? It is all very overwhelming. But, dealing with it one day at a time, one crisis at a time. I am taking it very personally that they have ruined the entire world. But, I know God will have the last word.
Like the Borg of Sci-fi Dystopia,
the WEF-ists will not prevail.
The Borg were small.
They were arrogant.
They vastly overplayed Their hand, time and time again.
So have the WEF-ists.
The Fake Plague was their denouement.
There are 7 BILLION human survivors vs.
a few thousand WEF-ist creatures, and Their flying monkeys.
We the People of the Earth are very very angry with Them.
Resistance is futile. :)